roadster ££££££££££££

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Aug 21, 2006
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ok hello my new here

my names alan

ok em about 2 years ago i bought a single recto and hated it very boring flat tone.. i traded it in for a marshall dsl50 (the mesa ws £1400 and the marshall was £450) now i think the dsl50 is far better 4 me

but 2 days ago i pluged into the new mesa boogie roadster and omg wht a amp i mean god dman that thing was amzing a 2x12 cambo and it had guts was 3d in tone had 4 chanels (u no the rest) but i want 1 and im getting 1

but the price was £2500 now thats a lot i mean in us dollas thats about mm double isnt it?? $nearly $5000?

well ive seen them on the internet for about £2100 do u think the shop would drop £400 for a sale i mean thats nearly the price of my dsl..

or do you think the saving of £400 would b gd enough reason 2 buy of the net and if any thing goes wrong il have 2 pay 2 ship ( i like 2 buy from a shop because u get warrenty and just drop it of at the shop)

sorry 4 the l;ong post but i love that tone.. even my rythm guiest who hates mesas tone want the roadster god its my dream tone i havent slept at all thinking about it hehe :cry:
Wow, I just bought 1 for $2099 from Grandma's Music in Albuqurque, New Mexico, USA.

For that price, you should just buy directly from the factory and pay the $400 or so for shipping. Hopefully they sell overseas.

You could also call US stores and talk to them.

If your local shop won't work on it (they don't have to know where you got it from), then just call Mesa and tell them. They will take care of it.

If you can't get anyone to sell you one. Hop on a plane, go to America, have a Vacation, and buy a Roadster while you are here. You will spend the same money and have a great story to tell. :D
Funny, the tonal differences between the Solo 50 and the Roadster is not that eye opening! Also to note, dealers do not "deal" with prices on Mesas! And the warranty, it'll be there!
mm well its just 2 say its $5000 because it isnt well it is but were paying the same if u get me lol cause with the cureence but basically £2100 is the best price.. mm well i dont no because the tone on the solo 50 didnt make me go **** me.. it made me go mm its dry flat mm cant get gd tone.. but i mean all 4 chanels had me playing for hours...

i think buying from the usa will b the best option.. cause £2100 is a lot if i cna get it from the usa for about $2100 then thats about emmm £1000 so il b saving £1500 so thats £1500 i have 2 give for posting to the uk and tax or vat... do you guys know any where in the usa that will post to the uk and how do you get in touch with mesa?? wont they just say no buy from the uk???

thanks for your help..

i will get this amp but paying £2100 is a lot..
I think that they won't be able to sell to you, now that I have thought about it. I remember the guy at Grandma's telling me that they can't sell out of state.

Hop a plane, take a vacation. You will still save money. Call dealers on the East Coast (Atlanta, Miami, New York, etc.) and get yourself there.

mmm could b a option... but searching on google i cnat find any shopsthat sell mesa boogie it keeps coming up with uk sites.. but im not searching *just uk) mmm...

also in my 4x12 cab i have 2 vintage 30s and 2 classic lead 80s) will the head version give me the same wowness as i got from the combo...

Here is the US Dealer's list. Just click the down arrow and it should take you to what ever state you want to visit.

FYI: The shipping should be the same through the US Post Office from anywhere in the US, so pick a state that you want to visit.

It's summer here, so don't go to Phoenix, Arizona unless you want to melt. Average temperatures for this time of year are well over 100 degrees in the shade.

As for the head, I tried the head 1st, but only had a few minutes until they closed. I tried the combo the next day and never even got to the head. After much deliberation, I decided to get the combo because I'm still young enough (dumb enough :D ) to lift 100 pounds with no troubles. If you are shipping internationally through the Post Office, there are issues with items over 70 pounds, so the head might be the way to go.

I tried the head through the matching 4x12 cab and it sounded incredible to me.
thanks for the list...

would i not be able 2 just em order it by phone and say 2 the shop il pay the postage (il b saving £1500 so il have cash 2 burn and the head is cheaper)

but will i get taxed massive amount in the uk?? i mean when i buy a set of jj tubes full amp re tube from eurotubes i get taxed £12 and the valves only cost emm £33

sorry 4 all these silly ??? but man i want that amp and if its like £1500 cheaper else where i dont want 2 pay £2500

oo and whts weird is from that link i tried 3 sites including guitar center and on there site they dont have mesa boogies whts with that?? i also tried Tom's River Music and emm bobs guitars and non have mesa boogie..
haha... well its drivin me insane now non of the sites have mesa boogie have they lost mesa boogie lol i used 2 type it in google and it came up with loads of shops but now nothing.... and guitar centers website not having mesa is weird isnt it???
GC doesn't sell the same things from store to store.

I was just in one last weekend and they didn't have Jackson. I wanted to try the SL-2 and couldn't find one anywhere in Albuqurque.

I think that Mesa won't let them be listed on store's websites too, because the store that I got mine from has tons of Mesa's in stock, but none on the website.

Call these guys and ask for Matt Ryan. I don't personally know him, but he's the guy that I dealt with. He was very patient and not pushy at all.

He might be able to fudge the taxes for you, but don't advertise it if he does. I would hate for a store to loose their franchise because of me.

I bought the combo, but they have the head in stock.
oo thats great... well defo man if he can do that thats brill but still if i cna save £500 thats massive seen as my dsl50 cost £450...

but its weird cause when i was shopping for my single recto i found loads of usa sites and found it hard 4 uk sites.. seems 2 b the other way round now...
Well .. I have, still have a DSL50 and a DSL100, I bought the Roadster after hearing its cleans, and its Recto channels. In the past I prefer the Marshall DSL clean and crunch over the recto series. I could get away with High zgain, by adding an OD and a EQ in the DSL's loop, and this helped get over the top saturation .. I had owned a 3 channel Dual Rectifier ..

now, here came the Roadster .. and I was sold. Its clean is better than the DSL's clean, its High Gain BLOWS away the DSL .. the DSL still does a better crunch .. but, I can pretty much get it with the roadster on a clean channel, and a Marshall Guv'nor .. set low .. so, the Roadster in my opinion, takes the cake .. The DSL series still does that Hendrix low gain marshall thing .. Cranked. The RK II may have a better brit offering then the roadster .. I hope it does, as I traded my Roadster in for the RK II ..

but alas .. in my opinion, the Roadster just blows it away. I have both amps sitting here in front of me. My opinion is based on actually playing both of them .. which itself is also pretty awesome. Get the Marshall bark, and the Recto liquid gain at the same time :) ..

check the DVD "STrat pack" .. watch Gary Moore do hendrix's "red house" .. that is a DSL crunch channel cranked, .. and it is a **** nice tone. If my RK II does anything close to that .. ill be one happy git fiddler ..
Hey alan, it's 'Cadencehardcore' from the Marshall board here. I've not been on there for a while as I sold my DSL for a Recto...I can't believe you're thinking of going Mesa, I thought you and your Marshall were inseperable!
Now then,

With regards to the price of the Roadster over here, you should be able to get some money knocked off in the shop. I believe in the states Mesa forbids the shops from doing deals but it's a different story over here due to the fact Westside distribution add their bit on to the price. I managed to get about £300 knocked off the price of my roadking, so get to the shop and start hagglin!!!

If you buy one direct from a USA store it will probably be 110v not 240v so you'll need to by a converter and lug that around with the amp. Also you will get seriously stung on import tax and VAT with something that expensive unless you can convince customs you went out with it or it's a gift, but they are wiseing up to this stuff 'cause of ebay.

I don't think Mesa will even entertain sending you one direct, everything has to go throught the distributor (ie Westside in Glasgow) They don't want to go pissing off their distributor by cutting out the middle man.

If you do manage to get one from the states and avoid customs etc let me know! LOL

Best bet is to haggle in my opinion or wait for them to hit the second hand market.

Try Electromusic in Doncaster, if you google them you'll get the number. Ask for Pod and see what deal he could sort you with. Tell em Metal Daz sent you!

well when i bought my mesa boogie single recto it was priced £1500 i got it down to £1200.. so i think il be able 2 wlak in and go ok im going 2 give you £2100 for the amp.. ive seen it on the net for that price if u dont droped il b happy 2 save £400 and buy of the internet.. (im sure they will drop 2 make £2100 in 1 sale tho...

oo and mm no my marshall is still the one monster it is i mean it cna do heavy heavy but clear but only with a band.. when im at home im like mmmm it cna only do rock... but with my drummer (b4 the band turns up) we jam out some heavy **** and it kill.s but man that roadster mmmmm...

would i b able 2 use it in my band?? we play emm think thin lizzy but in 2006 with a guil singer and green day up there asses haha so kinda punkie but with rock n roll riffs and solo and powerfull woman singin ( we dont play heavy its powerfull and its 4 every 1 2 like. so ppl who dont like heavy music love us but at the same time ppl who like heavy music love us...

will the mesa do that or will it push us over the top???
well funny u say that because when i had the single recto i hated the modern settin but loved the vintage setting.. my amp was broken tho when u turned it up past about volume 3 it farted badly but when i was waiting 2 get it fixed thats when i tried the dsl50 and fort wow the tone was that easy 2 get and its like £1000 less so i never got the mesa bk..

but yea the oradster also had the amzing tone but does it have the crunch of a marshall (i dont mean same tone) cause a lot of ppl who like both amps say yea but u buy marshall for leads and mesaa boogie for rythm (im the lead guy in my band)...

also Flavell777 how did you feel about paying the price you did when in other countrys there paying like half?? or was the tone that gd u would pay anything for it??

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