Roadking Series II Issues :?

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2005
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So I fired up my RK today, and it seems to be missbehaving. Been a while since i last used it so it may just be normal but thought i'd ask on here before going back to the store and looking an idiot!

When I set the volumes on all of the channels about the same (say about 10 o'clock on all the channel masters) i noticed a big difference in the volumes between channel 1/2 and 3/4. 3/4 were much quiter than 1/2 especilly so when the amp was in the spongy setting. Is this normal on your RK's? I seem to remember channels 3/4 being much louder than the other 2 channels.

Also any ideas on tightening the sound on this amp, such as a dist pedal in front? I'm looking for a Killswitch Engage type of sound at the mo'

Cheers Guys, any help much appreciated!
KSE uses a Stilleto I believe so I bet you could get there easily on the 2nd brit channel with a tubescreamer in front.

As far as tightening up, the presence control, bold power settings and depending on how tight you want, tube recto or diode for tracking almost too tight for my tastes.

The volume thing I cannot comment on because I don't own one but common sense tells me maybe something is wrong in your tube dept.
Just a questions but are the channels all setup around the same? Settings could be throwing off your volumes a little, and also are they all in modern modes or some in raw or vintage?
I use 2 el's and two 6l6s on the 2nd ch. I have ch 1 and 2 set to fat but ch 1 only uses 2 6l6s. up your gain a little, keep the presence down a tad. check your overall output, and the loop in the back: if its active, turn it up. turn the presence down on your ch 3/4 maybe? oh and i dont know what killswitch really sounds like but im guessing metal, and a ts on the brit channel is doubtful in makin a metal sound. from what ive heard of the brit u have to have the gain around 7 o clock for it to not to rape your ears with high end
Are you using the loops?

I use a Boss SD-1 in front. It tightens it up for me, Im using tube rectification also. Diodes are too much.

My Rig isn't setup right now. I'll try your settings, unless you get it fixed, tomorrow.
KSE used Triple Rectifiers boosted with a Maxon OD808 on "Alive Or Just Breathing". On "The End Of Heartache" they used a boosted Framus Dragon and a boosted 5150. The only exception being "Rose OF Sharyn" was all Cobra.

If you want to get something similar use an OD set up as a clean boost in front of the amp. Level up, gain off, tone around 10-11 o'clock.
I think volumes being differant while locked in at the same level on the knob is normal. They are all differant beast's ..

in my Roadster, if use Rubt EL34's, I get about a 30% boost in volume in all channels compared to the mesa 6L6's .. food for thought.
Cheers for the replies guys!

I wasn't using any effects or the loops, it was purely just the amp, not even the footswitch. Channels 3 and 4 were relatively quiter than channels 1 and 2 when using similar volumes/gains. So in order to get channels 3 and 4 as loud as channels 1 and 2 the masters for 3 and 4 would need to be at 12 o'clock whilst 1 and 2 were down at 9 o'clock. I seem to remeber that it used to be the other way round :?

Gonna have another play today then go back to the store and whoop some ***, these RK's have been nothing but a headache for me with regards to reliability.

Cheers Guys!
xscottx9 said:
I think volumes being differant while locked in at the same level on the knob is normal. They are all differant beast's ..

in my Roadster, if use Rubt EL34's, I get about a 30% boost in volume in all channels compared to the mesa 6L6's .. food for thought.

I think the difference you are hearing is not necessarily a boost in volume but a boost in mids. More mids can make your amp sound "louder"--but the EL's definatly did not add more wattage to your amplifier--but a tonal change....definatly!
I guess it depends on what kind of volume discrepancy you are experiencing.

I was playing a RK II at a store and setting both sides to volumes that should have been able to knock a wall down - only channels 1/2 had full power. Channels 3/4 would have been drowned out by a drummer. So, I assumed it had some funky tube thing going on.

Crank up the mains. This will amplify the difference enough for you to tell what is really going on.