Road King series 1 tube swap story

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Active member
Dec 19, 2006
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Los Angeles area
I've had my 2004 series 1 RK head for about 6 months now and didn't have any problems with it until recently at the studio I had it cranked at around 6 master and 5 on ch.3 and ch.4 preamp volumes (yes, very loud esp. with all 6 output tubes going).

After about 30 min's or so I noticed a burning smell and the master volume was not increasing the volume consistently (volume fluctuations) and less overall power output. Next day I retubed ALL the tubes thinking that the previous owner never had and some tube(s) had died or were going to die. Fuse did not blow.

Bought all tubes except for the 2 rectifier tubes from Guitar Center. When I got home a couple of them had bent pins, one was unmarked, and another had its sleeve cut (only preamp tubes had these issues). I tried these anyway without the recto tubes and setting all channels to silicon diode and was still having issues. Bought the 2 recto tubes from Mesa Hollywood and installed that and then I was having buzzing sounds in clean channel at certain frets.

Turns out buzzing was bad preamp tubes (GC obviously sold me tampered/used preamp tubes) and now I don't hear any volume fluctuations or power output loss or smell any burning smell. The last one I replaced was V4 which is the effects loop tube. From what I've read, V1 and V2 would cause the most unwanted noise issues from a bad preamp tube. Would a bad tube in V4 cause this kind of problem?

Anybody recommend I take it to Mesa Hollywood for inspection/repair? I'm thinking about cranking this at the studio again tomorrow and see what happens...