Road King Effects Loop Help!

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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Bellwood, PA
Hey fellow Boogie molesters!...I apologize in advance if I didn't look harder to find a similar thread on this subject...I'm losing my wits here...I have a RK half stack and I'm running a Line 6 DL4 through the Parallel loop...I'm looking for help with the volume drop and my clean channel...I know that most people run it through the Series loop, but I get a volume drop there as well...Help!...I think my tone is pretty decent and mostly unaffected in all other channels except my clean channel...I lose serious volume in channel one and it gets a mild distortion that I can't dial out of it...The channel becomes very weak...When I take the loops completely out of the circuit, the channel goes back to normal and becomes the beauty that I know it for...As far as the volume drop in the other channels when I switch on the loops, I'm at a lost...Any advice would be most appricated, thanx guys...
Is the same happening with the series loop? What settings do you have the parallel set at. What is the mix at?

Let me try and duplicate what you have yours set at, on mine.

Is the volume loss happen with other effects to? Is the Level on the DL4 on full?

Yes, the same is happening on both loops...Yeah, it happens with other effects, I've tried a Boss CE-5 through it as well...The DL4 does not have a level from what I can see...It has a mix knob and yes, it's up as well...My settings are these:

Send Level - 100%
FTSW Mix - right below, I'm a hair, the - (negative) symbol
Loop 2 Sw - off

...Now, I'm playing right now at bedroom volumes, with the overall master at around 7:30 - 8 o'clock...Thanx for your time and input.
Yeah, I'm still getting it...Haven't tried anything since I posted here...I think it's close in the other channels, except with the volume drop, but the clean channel (1) is so weak...Ahhhhh!
How about at higher volume? I have tried a couple of pedals in my Channel 1 Series and parallel loops and at lower volumes there may be a bit of a drop off but not a lot.

At louder "Home" volumes all seems fine on mine. Let me fool around on it in the morning for you.

What about the channel master? It serves as the effects send level when the loop is engaged! It should be up around 11-1o'clock! If it's not, then maybe you'll be able to turn the send level on the rear down from 100%, thus eliminating any unwanted "break-up"!
Actually, my channel master is up around 1 o'clock...I've even tried turning it all the way up...It's just sooooo weak when the loop system is engaged and the break up is still there...And if I lower the send level down, I get much more of a volume drop in all the channels when I engage the effects loop, which is my other problem, that volume drop...I keep hoping that I'm just missing something simple and it's not just how it is.
I can't really seem to diagnose your problem, but I assure's not "how it is"....something...settings, not right...I just don't have a good answer for you.

I was fooling around using a Boss DD3 for you today. If your master is up around 1:00 I don't know what to tell you. Mine is not this way. Get your amp checked.

On the side, I had never used the parallel loops before, only the series. Think I'll stay with the series.

You mean the over-all master?...If so, no it's not...Right now it's around 8 o'clock...Are you saying that with the master up that far, you don't get a volum drop?...Where do you have your channel masters?
Daxman73 said:
You mean the over-all master?...If so, no it's not...Right now it's around 8 o'clock...Are you saying that with the master up that far, you don't get a volum drop?...Where do you have your channel masters?

I'm talking about the 4 individual channel masters. Not the single output.

Do you have the owners manual? If not download one from the Mesa website. They talk about slight volume drop in the loops section and how to fix it.

Yeah, I have it...I put the delay back in the Series loop and drop the channel volumes between 9 and 10 o'clock and then pushed my overall output up and it seems to have balanced it out...I haven't tried it at stage volume yet, but I got it up there a little and it seems to be working...I'm really trying here...If anybody has any other ideas, please keep them coming, I'm still learning this monster...I really appricate all of the advice I've gotten, thanx guys.
I was experimenting for you today. The only way I could get mine to loose volume when the loop was engaged was to have the Black "Send Level" knob below 12:00 oclock.

Thanx a lot guys for helping me out here and tinkering with your own rigs to help me...I'm currently using the first effects loop (series)...Right now, playing at decent volumes but not bedroom or stage volumes, and what I did was lower the seperate channel volumes and raised the overall volume (output) and it seems to have worked quite well so far...Like I said, I'm still learning this monster and it can be frustrating at times, but it's well worth it...I freakin' love this amp!
the DL4 is -10 and the boogie parallel loops are normal +4, boogie suggests an ebtech line level shifter, 60 bucks problem solved... you can now use the send and mix levels in a normal way instead of screwing around cuz its always best to have the send at around normal not too low or youll lose mid range and body

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