Red Plate Tubes

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Andre Oliveros

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2011
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hey, i was playing today at my home at a pretty low volume at 45W, and i noticed a "whhhsst" sound suddenly, so i looked and the two central tubes were going red, so i turned to 10W mode, it stopped then i changed back to 45W and there were going red again, so i changed to tube rectifier, and the red went away again, so i noticed this after a few minutes, in 10W mode all channels ok, in 45W only if im using tube rectifier the tubes are ok so channel 3 going red plate, and in 90W all channels, the two central tubes red plate too, so what can be the problem, a rectifier or the power tubes? since are going red only with diode rectifier... help please

Mesa boogie 6L6 Gry inside(stock 6 month old pair) Grn Outside (3 week old pair), by the way i swaped the inner pair for the outter pair and its all ok now, but i still want to know if there's any problem i mean, i bought a new pair just 3 weeks ago (the Grn ones) because one of the 6 month old barely used, has a loose piece inside, and for my great luck was 1 day before the warranty for tubes expired, but i want to know if is just that this Mesa tubes are not that good, or just bad luck, or in the worst escenario my amp doing funny things, im really suspecting tubes since day one, because 1 of the first set that came stock with the amp also inner pair was going red plate the first week i owned the amp and i did the same thing that i did now just a swap from inner pair to outside, and they didnt give problems until the day i was cleaning the floor and i moved the amp and hear a rattle and was that loose piece inside the tube, just for the record the amp stayed since this feb 2011 to august 2011 in the apartment where i used to live, never gigged and never used in 90W mode, barely used in 45W since was a small building and almost every minute by my side because i didnt went outside almost never. so there is the problems that i experienced by now are:

first week of be owner - One power tube inside pair going red plate
near six months of owner - One tube with a loose piece

just power tube issues...

the question:
is just that this Mesa tubes are not that good, or just bad luck, or in the worst escenario my amp doing funny things?


With today's tubes it's not uncommon for short life spans. I've had tubes last for years and I've had tubes crap out in weeks. They just don't make them like they used to.
jmontgomery said:
With today's tubes it's not uncommon for short life spans. I've had tubes last for years and I've had tubes crap out in weeks. They just don't make them like they used to.

Same for me.