Rectoverb ser.1 footswitch? What year is my amp?

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Jul 19, 2010
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Ive been looking an i cant find one anywhere except mesas sight and new its 109 bucks which i dont really want to pay?
I havent seen any on ebay or anything either. Does anybody have any ideas?
I was also wondering what year my amp is does it tell by the serial #?
Well anyways the # is R5H-00288
Thank you and thanks to the others who replied to my other posts.
try these guys contact them and get a price.
jamme61 said:
try these guys contact them and get a price.
They dont have rectoverb switches on there sight, I could get one from mesa but there 109 bucks, and i found another off brand by switch doctor for 79 bucks but im looking to spend 50 or under.
On a different note how can i find out what year the rectoverb is? I know its a series 1 the seller told me he thinks its a 2000 but hes not sure.
If you take the chassis out, and look around you'll see a number and name initials of who built your amp (ie M.B '98) the number is the year your amp was built. and remember, be careful when exposed to lethal voltage parts like capacitors.
If and when you decide to take out the chasiss, make sure to unplug the amp then turn it on. This should drain the caps but, still be careful. Did you call or send an e-mail to payne labs? I think they will make what you want? not sure of price?
Maybe ill give them a call just to see what they say about the footswitch.
I probly wont bother with taking the chassis out its not that big of an issue, but yet another quick question when i turn my amp on i leave it on standby for about a minute or 2 then when i click the standby swith to on it makes a small pop noise dosnt matter if my guitar volume is up or down or if the amps output is all the way down is this normal?
Im guessing it is since it hasnt effected anything so far and ive been heavily playing it since i recieved it so thanks to anyone who responds.