Recording to show the roadster's versatility

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Jan 10, 2009
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Hi everyone, I hear a lot of people talking about how rectifiers are great for metal/hard rock, but just good for more mellow stuff.
Today I recorded something, using a Roadster and a recto 2x12 cab.
Only effect is a delay in the loop.
Guitars are fender stratocaster and music man jp.
I think it gives a pretty good idea of what this great amp has to offer, and that is GREAT LEAD, GREAT CRUNCHES, GREAT BLUESY TONE and GREAT CLEANS :wink:
So this is more for those who are thinking about getting one but aren't sure about what kind of mellow tones you can get out of it.
Sounds good!

I did a similar recording with my Roadster when I had it - but I only used my EBMM JP and I played through a 1x12 3/4 back cab. Hope you don't mind (not trying to steal your thunder!) if I post mine as well (again). It's just a different take on the tone I suppose since mine was recorded with a webcam. It's the 'in the room tone' as opposed to the 'mic'd tone'. Should help potential buyers out even more.
MusicManJP6 said:
Hey man! Welcome to the forums! When did you get a Roadster?!
I got it like 4 months ago!
Went from the lonestar to the dual recto, and from the dual recto to the roadster
Phazer said:
MusicManJP6 said:
Hey man! Welcome to the forums! When did you get a Roadster?!
I got it like 4 months ago!
Went from the lonestar to the dual recto, and from the dual recto to the roadster

I knew you had theh DR and was looking around for something else, but i've not been on the EB forums much as of late... I sold my BFR. Not sure if you knew that or not.
MusicManJP6 said:
Phazer said:
MusicManJP6 said:
Hey man! Welcome to the forums! When did you get a Roadster?!
I got it like 4 months ago!
Went from the lonestar to the dual recto, and from the dual recto to the roadster

I knew you had theh DR and was looking around for something else, but i've not been on the EB forums much as of late... I sold my BFR. Not sure if you knew that or not.
Yes, so I read on the Petrucci you're all over the place :mrgreen:
I'm really playing the strat a lot lately, still have my jp though..
I've been playing a cheap strat copy I picked up on eBay alot lately too. It sounds great through the clean channel of my DC-3 with a slight boost! I also went stereo with my effects and it sounds awesome with stereo chorus and delay as well...

I'll quit hijacking your thread now... :D