Rec Pre / 2:100 Bass Output Problem

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Nov 14, 2005
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Hey everyone,

I need to pick the brain of rectifier users, especially those having experience with the Rectifier Recording Preamp and 2:100 power amp. I own a rec pre, a stereo 2:100, recto standard 4X12, and a rectoverb v1 combo. All stuff, except the cab, was bought used.

Long story short...the rectoverb sits at my bandmates house and the rack setup in my bedroom. I kept finding myself coming home after playing on the rectoverb being unsatisfied playing on the rack setup. At first I blamed it on bad routing/connection in the rack setup, but then stripped everything down to just amps and finally A/B'ed the two into the same recto std cab, finding that the rack setup in modern mode had much less bass response compared to the rectoverb in modern mode. The same basic gain level and higher end crunch was there, but the lower mid and bass frequencies are much less audible in the rack setup.

I first ruled out the 2:100 as the problem by using the send of the rectoverb fx loop into the 2:100....the sound doing that is very strong and has just as much bass as the rectoverb alone.

Then, for the hell of it I ran the rec pre through the return of the fx loop of the rectoverb, thus using the rec pre as the preamp and the rectoverb as the power amp. The sound was, once again, powerful with good bass response.

So basically, the rec pre "hates" the 2:100 in some way. But why? I switched cables around to make sure I didn't have a bad one in there. I've tried switching left and right inputs on the preamp, power amp, and cab. I also read in the mesa manuals that they recommend using an unshielded (speaker) cable for the modern trigger connection between the two amps, so I replaced my shielded cable with a speaker cable in those jacks.

Same result, though. A slightly weaker, bass deficient sound comes out when the two rack units are hooked together. I just don't get it. Each in combination with either the pre or power amp of the rectoverb function fine, but when run together, the sound is no good.

The rectoverb and rec pre have the exact same preamp tubes. I thought that one might be bad, so I tried replacing each in the rec pre one at a time, but it didn't help. The rectoverb and 2:100 have the same power amp tubes, and those all appear to be properly functioning in the 2:100.

I'm using the rectifier inputs on the 2:100 in modern mode, the live/bright switch is on in the rec pre, and the fx loop mix is set to 0.

I really like having a stereo setup and don't want to go to the expense of buying two dual recs to achieve it, so my questions are:

1. Is there any other probable cause why I wouldn't be getting good bass response when using the rec pre with the 2:100? I'm trying to do all I can to troubleshoot before trying to get it worked on.

2. Also, since I bought the rec pre without hearing it (online), Im not crazy in thinking that I should be able to get a full deep recto sound with it...the same as with a head or combo, right? I wouldn't think so, although I know with some brands sometimes rack stuff doesn't measure up the same....I'm used to Mesa only putting out quality, though.

I really appreciate your help! thanks. (sorry so long)