I own a T.C. G-Force and it is the only MultiFX Unit I've ever owned. It's an awesome unit, but doesn't do everything great. Which brings me to a little ramble I'd like to spit out.
Multi-FX Units I'm starting to doubt. The reason is some effects sound awesome in parallel with a Line Mixer. BUT, other effects have to be in series. Yes, it is possible to run a Multi FX Unit in series and parallel, but when you have a series effect such as a tremelo trying to work with a reverb.....the reverb has to stay in series with the tremelo. And Yes, maybe I'm being picky, because delays, reverbs, and choruses CAN sound good in series.
It's just not the same though after you hear an effect in parallel. After hearing the delays out of my G-Force in parallel, I will never go back to series with my delays....exception, a 2290. I'm gonna get expensive here, but this is the best way in my opinion.
A dedicated unit for 1.Delay, 2.Reverb, and 3.Chorus all thrown in a line mixer to run in parallel. Forget about a MultiFx Unit if you have the money. Put anything else you want in series...Pedals or Rack Fx.