Question about tones when slaving

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
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Hey guys, not sure if this is the right forum so feel free to move it if need be...

I slaved my RKII into my MKIV earlier today for the first time. Everything worked fine, but I noticed that the tone is quite... brittle. I have the lead running into into return#1 on the RK. I'm not really sure what knobs I should be turning up and which ones I should be turning down.

Obviously the pre-amp knobs on the RK have no effect. The output knob on my MK seems to have a small effect.

The knobs which do the main changes are the RK output level, MK channel level, and slave out level. I'm pretty sure that the slave out level only has access to what it gets from the channel level, right? So would it be better to turn up my channel and turn down the slave volume, or vice versa?

Anyway, let me know what you guys think. I'm gonna try return#2 tomorrow morning, it's a bit too late to be tinkering with amps and such right now as everyone in my house is sleeping.

Thanks in advance!
Hey, I noticed the same thing, I used the slave out with the mk II and the recto, but it's not as natural sounding, mostly what you described, so I tried the effect outputs, worked a bit better,