Quad through Diezel no sound

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Apr 8, 2008
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I've recently purchased a Quad in order to get the mesa tone back in to my rig. Easier said than done...

When running my quad through the "switchable return" input on the herbert only a weak distant sound is achieved.
It becomes a tiny bit louder when i crank up the output volume on the quad, but nothing near what it should be.
When it's run through my Tech 21 60W combo it sounds loud and fine.
Since all of my effects sound the way they they're supposed to through the Herberts effectloop, I'm not sure what the problem is.

The set up is as following:

quad "output" into Herbert "return" switchable loop.
(I've also tried the return on both the serial and parallel loop.)

Anyone have a clue?

page 9, paragraph 3.2.4
Thanks for the input guys!
I still got no sound I'm afraid.
I have a hunch it has something to do with the Diezels effect loop...
Think I've tried everything possible and still no sound. Considering a Mesa 50/50 at the moment since the local insrument dealer has a used one in store (My rig will only suffer by looking even more badass as). :)
I'll bring the Quad to be sure everything works well before I purchase.

Again; thanks guys!

- May the tone be with you!