Quad preamp mods?????

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2006
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Just an idea... what do you all think? Perhaps there's someone with some tech experience that can tell if this would work?

It occured to me that it would be cool to use one of the EQ buttons on the footswitch for my quad preamp to switch the FX loop in/out. That way I could just leave my delay pedal on and stick it in the back of my rack. The other EQ button on the footswitch could then be made universal to control both EQ's.

The override switches on the front panel of the quad that bring the EQ in automatically for preselected channels would still function so I don't think there would be any loss of 'control' over the EQ's...

But.... if I was to find another midi matrix one day (yep... stupid me sold my old one for quick cash!), would the swithching relays on the back of the quad still work in the same way???

Also... does anyone have any other mods they have tried?

It certainly can be done but you will want to add a relay to do the switching. I don't know how electronically competent you are but I don't think this is for someone that doesn't know what they're doing. I figured since you asked here you are maybe hoping for step by step instructions?

There are alternatives to modding your Quad like getting a loop switcher of some sort.

I would certainly get a tech to do the work... however I would prefer to track down another midi matrix switcher if possible.

What sort of experiences others have had of modding their quads?

I know that balancing channel levels on many boogies can be a bit of an art in itself.. Has anyone come around this issue?

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