Quad Channel Volume Matching Problem

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
the Moon
I've spent the last few hours messing with the settings and tubes in my Quad trying to figure out why Channel 1 (Mainly Lead 1) is so much louder than Channel 2 (Mainly Lead 2, but Rhythm 2 is pretty quiet as well).

I have tried swapping the Input/Lead tubes for Channel 2 with known good Mesa new production (probably Chinese) tubes and I have tried every setting I could find on the internet. Even if i put the SAME settings as my Channel 1, Lead 1 is still WAY louder. Even with both GEQ's off there is still a shokingly large difference between the two. I can sort of minimize the gap using the GEQ for Channel two, but then bot Lead 1 and Lead 2 sound similar and there is still a noticeable volume difference.

I've also tried putting in all Mesa tubes for every spot that is related to Channel two with the same results. I have also swapped the tubes from Channel 1 to their respective slots in Channel 2 with the same results. (Lead 1 > Lead 2 tubes swapped etc)

It seems that there is now way to get Channel 2 to be as loud!

Is this common in Quads or is it indicative of some sort of internal problem? Could the caps be going bad? I have tried everything I can think of and I can't find the answer!
Dmt, the channels do need to be tweaked quite a lot differently from each other... have you tried my settings that we discussed in this thread a while back...?


I think there is a lot to balance with the quad and these settings seem to balance all the channels for me ok... bearing in mind the difference between bedroom and stage volumes of course... Plus, I guess I use Lead 1 as my lead tone and Lead 2 more as my riffing tone so a bit of a volume boost kind of suits my needs anyway.

My tip is to balance the Quad as a tone shaper and not run the channel masters so high... then you can push your power amp a bit harder for a bit more tone shaping..
just wondering if it could be a internal problem. something with the LDR's? or a settings problem. Will try your settings tomorrow.
Tried those settings, seems that lowering the masters did help a bit, bot not enough, the L1 channel sounds flabby then and with less gain. Still a big volume spike, like enough that if i switch from one to the other the L2 channel sounds quiet and needs to be turned up.

I played with the Pots, and there is very little volume taper, once you hit 3 or so you get no more "volume", more noticable on Channel 2 (MK III)