proper hook up of two amps via pedalboard (eventide stomps)

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konstantine RK

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
I use a RK1 and a Randall RM100 and I use the loops of both since they both have Parellel and series loops...
The RK is the "A" and the RM100 is the "B"

But I lose the dry in the Randall. I use the parellel loop (2) for my timefactor and the A output from the Timefactor goest to the RK while the B goes to the Randall. Noticible volume drop when the delay is used and I use the killdry on the TF.

this is not the case with the Mod and pitchfactors running with the DSP bypass on loop 1 in tyhe RK - the volume is closer to the dry level.

Now the leveler knobs in the back of the RK seem to be a culprit because I am not too happy with the way they mix the dry to wet and the level of the series loop... but are there other options from my eventides I have not considered?

Or is this what using effects in your loop entails for all and I should just get used to turning off the eventides and niot use my loop switcher?


Achieving unity gain when switching in the loop seems to be the biggest problem. That's what that dial in the back is for.

First off, I would seriously recommend using the series loop...I've always had much better luck with it, no matter the effect. Use the dial on the back of the Roadking so that you have the same level with the loop both in and out. Since you're using Eventide pedals, I really wouldn't worry about the extra 'preservation' of a parallel be honest, I think Mesa's parallel loop sucks :?

Also, you'll have to turn off the Kill-Dry feature also, and set your mix at the pedal.

Do this for both amps, and you should get the setup working properly.
Yea I hear what you are saying...

problem is that I need the switching to use what I got so my hands are tied with it.

MIDI is not an option for me $$ wise right now but what about modding my parellel to a series loop?

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