Presence knob not adding any brightness on one channel

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
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My presence knob on my Road King II in channel 4 suddenly doesn't do anything in any mode. I can strike a chord and turn the knob from full left to full right and not hear a thing differently. There's no scratchy sound or anything if I turn the pot. i.e., it doesn't sound like a dirty pot.

I thought it may have been my ears at first, but every other channel has its presence knob working as it always has. For example, if I strike a chord on channel 3 in vintage and turn the knob from full left to full right, there's a considerable difference.

Is this a bad pot? The preamp tubes are running at about two years old but I'm not even sure if that even matters for the presence knob.
Only way to know the pot is bad is to measure it. It does sound like the pot sh!t the bed though.
Would that require a multimeter?

And do you know if replacing the pot myself would void my warranty? The closest authorized tech is 2 and a half hours away, and has a pretty slow turnaround time.
Yes that would require a meter.

And I can only speak from my experience, but when I did my presence pot change, I asked about the warranty when I was ordering the pot from Mesa and they said as long as I was using a Mesa pot I was good to go.