Glad to be a new MarkV owner and glad to be back using Mesa . I am really happy with this amp. I have had it
five days and know I have barely touched it's abilities. So far so good but I do have a question as I am concerned
about an " issue " , please keep in mind my dealer is two hours each way so I would love to get this resolved without
bringing it back. I know it's covered under warranty but I really don't want to make another four hour plus trip if I can avoid it,
esp. if it is just a tube I could replace.
I was tuning with the mute on, and noticed I could hear the notes coming from the head , not a bleed through the
speakers , it is like a rattling sound of the note from the back of the amp, it is the head version.
It happens on all channels while muted. If I lower the master volume and or gain it stops. The louder I turn it up
the louder the sound from the amp head , while on mute.After listening a bit I think it is mixed in with the sound
while playing. Not a huge rattle , but more like a ringing of the note or chord in the background that you have to listen for.
Before I go digging in trying to figure out what tube/tubes it might be , would someone have a thought where I should start ?
Perhaps someone has ran into this issue and knows the answer.
I am thinking it's a power tube as I can hear it while the mute it on. My next thought would be the P.I. tube if it
is not the power tubes as it is on all channels.
Thanks in advance for you thoughts.
five days and know I have barely touched it's abilities. So far so good but I do have a question as I am concerned
about an " issue " , please keep in mind my dealer is two hours each way so I would love to get this resolved without
bringing it back. I know it's covered under warranty but I really don't want to make another four hour plus trip if I can avoid it,
esp. if it is just a tube I could replace.
I was tuning with the mute on, and noticed I could hear the notes coming from the head , not a bleed through the
speakers , it is like a rattling sound of the note from the back of the amp, it is the head version.
It happens on all channels while muted. If I lower the master volume and or gain it stops. The louder I turn it up
the louder the sound from the amp head , while on mute.After listening a bit I think it is mixed in with the sound
while playing. Not a huge rattle , but more like a ringing of the note or chord in the background that you have to listen for.
Before I go digging in trying to figure out what tube/tubes it might be , would someone have a thought where I should start ?
Perhaps someone has ran into this issue and knows the answer.
I am thinking it's a power tube as I can hear it while the mute it on. My next thought would be the P.I. tube if it
is not the power tubes as it is on all channels.
Thanks in advance for you thoughts.