Powering FX in loop AND in front of Triple Rec

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
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I have in my 3 channel Triple rec FX loop a delay, a chorus, a flanger and an eq. In the front of the amp I have a wah and an octave pedal. The order of the effects Im still messing with, and I also have a hush pedal and an NS-2 which will be added if needed later...not sure where yet tho....
My question is- provided my power adaptor was up to the task in terms of supplying enough milliamps to all the pedals, is it ok to run the two chains of effects on the same power source? Or should I maybe get another daisy chain, or just use batteries for the octave and wah? Im hoping I could plug two transformers into a multibox and run two different daisy chains? Just thought this may lead to noise issues...I know someone will say buy a DC brick or something, but trying to run them cheap for now. Hope this makes sense...cheers
Running the DC Power Brick for both your front of the amp effects and loop effects is going to give you grounding issues and cause a lot of unwanted noise from your amp. This particual power source is good for running one or the other (just loop or just front) not both at the same time. To power both loop and front pedals from the same source you need a power supply that isolates each output. I'd recommend a Voodoo Lab's pedal power II.
Thanks, but in the mean time is using 2 power supplies ie two adaptors (thats what we call them in NZ, you guys call them transformers?) with 2 different daisy chains safe?
backyardburial said:
Thanks, but in the mean time is using 2 power supplies ie two adaptors (thats what we call them in NZ, you guys call them transformers?) with 2 different daisy chains safe?

It's safe. You'll do no harm.... I run up to 4 power supplies. Two have daisy chains, the other two I run direct to pedals for 12VAC out (for tube driven pedals). No need to load one power supply. Just make sure that the power supplies provide clean power, ie. not noisy. Also try different power outlets, just in case one is noisy. It happens.

I use a multi-board (or two) and I keep the two (or 4) power supplies seperated by at least one plug apart, just to minimise any magnetic interference between the power supplies, ie. a four outlet multi-board will only have two power supplies; power supply>empty plug>power supply>empty plug, or power supply>empty plug>empty plug>power supply.

I'm in Oz... :wink:
Thanks Blacklynx...just what I needed! On the subject of daisy chains, how do you deal with powering pedals where the power input is not so close? For example, all the boss pedals it is on the back of the pedal so its easy to daisy chain, but my wah's power input is on the far side, so the next plug in the chain won't reach it....is it okay to skip a daisy chain plug as long as it is taped up to prevent contact, then I can use the next one along for extra length? Better yet does anyone make a daisy chain where the plugs are further apart? On mine they are about 15cm, which is fine if all yr inputs are at the back, but for my noisegate and wah I can't use them??
Cheers again
Yes, it's safe to skip. I do it all the time. I also cover them with tape to avoid contact with other metal surfaces. A for further distance between one plug to another, I think the Visual sounds One Spot should do you well. Plug to plug it's 30cm. Here:

You can buy them here but it's not worth it. You may as well buy the One Spot Combo pack from the US and get better value for money.

I have the One Spot Combo pack that I bought from the US for about AU$55 (with postage)(it's a world voltage power supply) and I just use an adapter for US to Oz 3 pin. On ebay there are some that sell the One Spot combo pack to suit the actual Oz 3 pin. I could've saved an adapter but I ordered without knowing at the time.

Have a good one...
I run 3 or 4 pedals through the loop, and a tuner out front, all on the same chain, no problems at all.

One Spot from Visual Sound, simple and no ********.