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best power amp

  • Mesa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • VHT

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Us rack guys have a hard time with the power stage .It's often the case in new amp heads that the power amp is very far from neutral and is tuned to bring out the best in the pre amp ,but where stuck with flat response power , mabey a couple of switch voices. Try your rig through a mates bogner XTC fx return to hear what I mean (wow what a differance)this has lead me to try puting a powerful eq last in the chain(better ,but no cigar)I think the problem here is their is no eq designed for this use .
Time the manufacurers spent some money on rack R&D and gave us some more meaningful control in the power amp and stoped telling us just to buy thair amp.
Please tell me about your power amp and if it works for you, afterall there are only a handfull of serious choices still in production.
I'm not going to vote, because I've not used VHT power. I'm thinking, though, that since this is the Boogie Board, VHT may be at a disadvantage. Who knows?

I wouldn't mind trying a VHT two/fifty/two, but I'm very happy with my Mesa 20/20 - even more so after optimizing it with NOS tubes (RCA 12BZ7 input, Mullard CV4024 phase-inverters, Tungsram EL84). I had a Mesa 2:90 that was quite nice after I modded it for adjustable bias and put in some GE and RCA 6L6GC.

Bottom line: I'm happy enough with Mesa's power amp choices. Can't say the same for their tube choices, though.

- T