Poweramp Blowing Fuses

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Oct 28, 2009
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Well my fifty fifty has blown like 4 fuses in 2 days

this is the one I got

Any help?
Roadifier said:
probably a bad power tube. Thats usually the cause of fuses blowing

thanx man, do you know what kind of tubes I need? I really dont know anything about MESA poweramps. However I have heard a lot of about 6l6's and stuff like that.
Well let me explain how this happened first.

Last thursday a fuse blew when I turned on the poweramp.

About 12 hours ago I turn it on again, and the fuse once again blew instantly. Then I put another fuse in, and once again I turn it on and it blew instantly again!!! So I was like "k there has to be something wrong with this package of fuses LOL" so then I tried another fuse.......(the last one I had) and praying to the gods of heavy metal (Iron Maiden) I asked for the fuse to NOT melt............And IT DIDNT!! YAY! So then I thought maybe I should let the poweramp relax for a few hours (you know I treat my amps like persons) so I watched a movie and when I felt like playing guitar again I went to turn on my JMP-1 then the poweramp like always, and BAM the blue light went on for a plit of a second and the fuse has blown onceeeee againnnnnnnnnn...I was very depressed.

So I have read a few things on the internet, and they seem to talk about a bad powertube?
6L6's are the tubes you need. you need them in matched duets since your power amp is stereo (like two 50 watt heads) and in the bias rating mesa uses. Go to euro tubes, or the tube store. type in mesa, and they usually have some tubes that are the right bias rating for your mesa. Heres a link from euro tubes for the 50/50 :arrow: https://ssl.eurotubes.com/cart/index.php?page=view_products&category_id=6&sub_category_id=57 .Also are you making sure your using the right fuse.There is a number right next to the fuse and it shows the correct fuse to use. There are also driver tubes inside the power amp (three 12ax7 tubes).
I dont need to rebias or anything since the poweramp comes with a fixed bias right?
Correct...to a degree. There's alot of conjecture on this topic, but most will agree that you do not need to. On the other hand in order to use the tubes 'fully' a bias mod would help squeeze every bit of juice. Just make sure when purchasing to specify that the tubes are to be used in a Mesa and you should be fine.
I am still very confuzed about this topic :( I dont know much about poweramps and I dont know how to do this things myself :(

What are the exact tubes I need? should I just pay like 200 dollars for a guy to do it at a music store?

Edit: Are these the ones I need?

6L6GC Matched Quad.
Price: $68.00
Description: Matched quad.
carnada said:
anyone? xD
Yes, you can use those tubes but you should contact the seller of the tubes and tell them what amp it is for. They may be able to select a matched quad which is best suited to your amp.

As far as your fuse problem goes - take it somewhere and get it checked over. If you don't know about tube types you are not even in the ballpark of being able to address this problem on your own.
[/quote]If you don't know about tube types you are not even in the ballpark of being able to address this problem on your own.[/quote]

+1 don't risk it