power problem

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New member
Oct 7, 2007
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hey guys,
i bought a mesa 50 50 power amp for my rack and i noticed the guy who i bought it from, for some reason, cut the power cord short and decided to just put a 2 prong cord on it. i was wanting to take it off and replace it with a 3 prong plug.... when i took the old one off it has the 2 black going to the plug and a green one that is just cut off. am i right in saying that the green one is the ground and that would be the one i would connect to the 3rd part of the plug?
next would be, do i even need to mess with it... it just seems not right to have a 2 prong and not a 3 prong. thanks in advance for the help
Yes, the green is ground. You would connect that to the third prong on the plug. Try to remember it this way: grass is green, grass is on the GROUND. And yes, you want that amp grounded. It can be a real safety hazzard if it is left un-grounded.
thanks , i am off to home depot to get a plug, will that help with some of the hum im getting, its only at higher volums, i have the ground lift on and its not as bad, thanks again