Power Conditioning and Regulating?

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2008
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Hi guys,
what rack mount power conditioning and/or regulating do you use? I am building my very first rack set up now, and need a good way to power and protect it all. Any suggestions that aren't too spendy? Thanks in advance!
Nady PCL-800. Does the job and was the best buy on the market. Well, 5 years ago when I bought it anyway, who knows about now?
There are many so-called power "conditioners". None of them are power "regulators" unless they specifically SAY "regulator". A Regulator ensures that you are getting 117 volts and not 95, or 135, or whatever. A Conditioner is basically just a filter for RF and noise.
Generally, a Power Regulator is going to cost quite a bit more than a mere Power Conditioner. A Power Regulator will usually do the Conditioner job, too.
MrMarkIII said:
There are many so-called power "conditioners". None of them are power "regulators" unless they specifically SAY "regulator". A Regulator ensures that you are getting 117 volts and not 95, or 135, or whatever. A Conditioner is basically just a filter for RF and noise.
Generally, a Power Regulator is going to cost quite a bit more than a mere Power Conditioner. A Power Regulator will usually do the Conditioner job, too.

+1 Very true, personally I really like a true regulator that will do the conditioning part, as the RF noise filter IMHO can make a huge difference in cutting out a lot of the "sound" you can acquire from power outlets.
I use an ART PR8 Pro power regulator. It's not cheap but not too expensive either. I'm quite happy with it.
