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Check out the tones in my thread I just posted.. there are lots of sounds you can get out of the recto when you start changing tubes and stuff.

Those are def different than the 'recto chugga chug' sound

The DR is a frustrating piece of equipment.. I've owned mine for 2 years and just these past 2 weeks I've finally found a tone that makes me stand back and just grin.. don't give up on it! :p
IMO, there are more settings....

This is how I EQ mine:

Stock tubes, except for JJ rectifiers

Channel 3: Modern
Tube Recto

Presence: 10 o'clock
Gain: 2:30
Bass: 12
Mids: 2
Treble: 10

Give that a try and tell me what you think! I love this setting on channel 3!

I'd say Channel two and 1 are much more versatile though! I wish I could footswitch between the modes, as I have found settings that sound amazing in all of them! (Channel two, raw and vintage, channel 1, both modes!)
i personally love pushed/raw. Sorry that I don't have settings for it, as I usually just find some instant gratification on it. I agree that in the other modes you have to struggle a bit. Pushed and raw are definately what I'm going to miss the most when I sell my 3ch. (i got a 92 2ch). I will most likely just get a marshall to cover those ground in the future.
I find that the presence and treble knobs have the greatest influence on your tone.....particularily on the vintage/modern voices. IMO, messing with the the mids and bass will just give you different versions of the voice you dialed in with your treble and presence.....those two controls influence the overall feel more than they do the actual sound.

Once you get over the whole Marshall "Treble makes the treble go up and down, and mid makes the midrange go up and down" thing you'll start to notice that the knobs greatly influence the feel of the amp, rather than the sound of the amp. Eventually, you'll stop thinking in terms of treble/midrange/bass and start thinking in terms of brightness, stiffness, tightness, saturation, thump, ect.....once you get to this level of understanding you'll start to unlock the "versitility" of the Mesa eq.

Anyway, my settings;

Clean (Fat) [you probably won't have that setting, but it's similar to the old MkI clean tone]
Gain 11:30
Treb 13:00
Mids 11:00
Bass 13:00
Pres 13:00
Mast 09:00

Dirt (Modern)
Gain 12:00
Treb 12:15
Mids 11:00
Bass 12:00
Pres 12:00
Mast 10:00

FWIW....I generally use EMGs. With passives I have to run slightly different settings....particularily the need to turn down the bass.

I'd also use Raw quite a bit....generally with the gain and treble up quite high to get a Sabbath sorta sound.
As far as people giving you settings to try, realize those will give you a starting point. Then you'll need to fiddle to find a good interaction between the amp, your guitar, and your ears.

Pushed and Raw are some of my favorite sounds. In fact, Pushed is probably my favorite rock rhythm sound. I get great tones in those modes by cranking the amp up with just a little bit of gain. I will then even back the volume down on my guitar a little. (I don't use EMGs anymore, so if you do - I am not sure how that would work with EMGs.)

I have found that with my Mesa I can always find new tones. Meaning, that with some fiddling - it is as if I found a new amp. My next Mesa will be a Road King, and I am hoping that it will provide even more tonal exploration.

With a Marshall - it was always the same amp sound just with more or less treble/mid/bass. It's one of those subjective things that is hard to describe. But the sound is just always the same.

But as far as loving your amp just because you spent a lot of $$, I would say IMO you can spend just as much (or more) money on a Marshall - and not get the versatility you get with a Mesa. I think a lot of people pay money for a Marshall because it is the rock amp they are 'suppose' to play through - because it is assumed to have THE great rock sound. I know the old ones did. But these new production Marshalls are VERY sad indeed.

Notice though, that recently Marshall has started releasing boutique quality products. I played through this Marshall. And it sounds great! But this 20W one trick pony will set you back $1800 just for the head. WTF? I'd rather have anything Mesa. (I am sure the weakening of the USD has caused a huge decrease in Marshall sales and Mesa has benefitted.)

Being able to pull out good amp tones only comes through experience. And it is hard to get that experience without playing through a lot of different amps and getting a feel for what it is you are personally looking for. I was fortunate enough to work at a guitar store years ago that dealt a lot in vintage guitars and amps. But, when I first started working there I doubt I could have passed a blind test between a Marshall, Fender, and a Crate.

For myself, Mesa is where I ended up. So, I think you have the right amp. Sure other amps still have great sounds. (I was flat blown away when I played through a Bogner.) If there were such a thing as a "Tone/$" ratio, I think Mesa would provide the widest range of tones/options/versatility for what you spend.
I have to say that my mesa is deffinately not a "chugg chugg" amp at all. I dont really play rythms, i usually play lamb of god style music and for that style u cant sound like "chug chug" slow and scooped out. My tone comes from my channel 2 modern amp and it is very articulate and aggressive. IMHO i think a recto can do anything.
Guitarzan said:
Elpelotero said:
IMHO i think a recto can do anything.

yes, but can it do the brown sound? :lol:

Yup! Try the 6L6's on the EL-34 bias setting, Spongy selected w/ tube rectifier. It sounds better with GZ-34's.

Or with EL34's, an OD pedal and a nice Alnico neck pickup!

Sorry I have't posted my settings, I'll get to it after work
Elpelotero said:
i'm assuming this is safe but would eat the tubes quickly?

Tubes will definitely have a shorter life span than if you ran them normally. I'm just saying "Brown" sound can be achieved. Listen to Platypus' clips. He's got a very different set up than most folks on this site.
Elpelotero said:
i'm assuming this is safe but would eat the tubes quickly?

Yeah it drains them quicker but to my personal tastes I think it's worth it. Not to say that running the amp vanilla stock is bad at all, but that's just my personal preference.

I justify the cost to get the tone I want in the same way I don't drink cheap liquor :)
Sorry for the delay Koprofag

Ok here they are:

All settings 'clockface' in nature
Tube Rectifier
Bold Variac

Channel 2: Vintage
Presence: 11 - 11:30
Volume: 11:00
Gain: 1-1:30
Bass: 5:00 (almost maxed)
Mid: 11:00
Treble: 2:30

Channel 3: Modern
Presence: 1-1:30
Volume: 11:00
Gain: 3:00
Bass: 5:00 (almost maxed)
Mid: 12:00
Treble: 3:00

There are all my secrets :)