Please tell me about the Rectoverb?

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I had a Series 1 Head and the cleans were flatout awful. If I did it all over again I'd get a Series 2 model as they upgraded the clean circuit in them. Series 2s will have all chrome knobs and the reverb on the front.... Series 1s will have black output and solo knobs and reverb on the back.
I've owned both a Rectoverb and now a Solo 50. The Rectoverb is a Solo with Reverb. The series 1 clean circuit was not great. The series 2 is MUCH better. The Reverb sucks.

Make sure you get a series 2. I would say get a solo, as the Reverb on the Rectoverb is just about useless. I personally, am much happier with a solo. That being said, the Rectoverb is still a really nice amp.
Well a buddy of mine said the Rectoverbs for some reason sound much better than the single rectifiers. I have always struggled to get good lead tones out of any dual rectifier I have owned. I then played his rectoverb and it was magical, really warm and thick, smooth. Apparently something about the reverb circuit, even though not on can have a huge impact on the tone! It killed the new reborn DR.
I own a Series 2 Rectoverb as well as a 3-Channel DR.

The Rectoverb is a really nice amp. The cleans are just OK - but you can get by with them. The gain channels are where this amp really shines.

The reverb is worthless - I run a holy grail thru the effects loop for reverb - sounds great.

Would I buy another one? Yes

Hope this helps!
papersoul said:
Well a buddy of mine said the Rectoverbs for some reason sound much better than the single rectifiers. I have always struggled to get good lead tones out of any dual rectifier I have owned. I then played his rectoverb and it was magical, really warm and thick, smooth. Apparently something about the reverb circuit, even though not on can have a huge impact on the tone! It killed the new reborn DR.

I have owned both a Series 2 Rectoverb, and a Series 2 Solo, this is just not true. They sound exactly the same. Obviously minus when the reverb is on.