So, I open my tremoverb to change the pot value and finaly do a comparision and clips, but ironicaly, my 2 channel dual rectifier tremoverb has 250K pots!!!!
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waht this mean??? every recto has 250k??? or just the new ones??? do the 2channel rectos pre 500 has 1M pot???
there is my recto serie
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well, it`s the perfect situation for me to tell you if change 250k to 1M make a diference, or not, and how, so i did:
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And my veredict is...
1M pot dont change the tone like you are moving any well of the eq, it changes the feel and tone from the gain, make it a litle more fat, chunkier and adding a more crunch to the mid range, it make a more tight low end too. it is not a night and day change, its like your rectifier just awake more angrier, and horny... :evil:
i like a lot the change, thats way i put new pots and new and better caps as you can see in the picture, and i will make some clips, but to make 1M to 250K i just will run a 330k resistance in paralell to the pot.