Hi Stokes.....
Looking for the "crossover notch" on a scope is not the best way to find the bias point.
On that, I do agree. I have run "bias" down to this point and I can hear a real difference regardless what the scope shows;from 10 or 15 ma to say, 30 ma. is very discernable. Going from 30 to 40; not so much.
I think you hit the nail on the head.....NOS.....I have had older american made tubes (RCA, some GE) that I have used in the past and they never gave me any grief...seemed to last forever...in fact, some I still have.
These newer tubes don't seem to take any "pushing" (I won't even say 'abuse').
like the old ones. Yes, Mesa does seem to run them cold.....that way they minimize tube replacement issues during warranty (I'd imagine).
And despite what Mesa claims, there are tubes out there that sound better than their own, and many cost less (e.g. JJ, Mullard reissue, NOS!
What I have found, and again, this is just what I've noticed, is that when running the tubes a bit colder, it seems to take longer for the amp "to come to temperature". I mean, notice how when you've been playing a while and when the amp is good and hot how it sounds better than when you first started playing? This time period seems to be longer with colder biasing.
But in time that "gap" seems to close, at least somewhat (to my ears, anyway, but hey, I'm deaf in one ear and can't hear out the other :lol: ).
I have put adjustable biasing in my 50/50 and can experiment with that. Since my Ace is still under warranty (and at the moment, STILL in the shop...another story), I'll have to wait to do it to that one.
I have never seen red plates on my 50/50 so far, but have on other amps....it's not a pretty sight (for long).
Thanks for the info here, Stokes...good stuff!
I hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.
Take care!