Picked up a Blue Angel 1x12. Can't tell if reverb is workin

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Oct 21, 2008
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I just picked up a Blue Angel 1x12 and love the sound. The only thing is I think the reverb is not working or the reverb on the Blue Angel is very subtle. When I turn the reverb knob up past about 9:00 it starts to make the already noisey amp noiser. It does seem to inject some reverb into the signal but very subltle. Should it be like a Fender where the reverb is very pronunced?

I also own a Mesa F 30. Does anyone know if I can swap the reverb tank? Should I?

Does anyone know how to contact Mesa Boogie service personnel to ask these questions?


That does sound as if the reverb on your amp is not working right.
I suggest changing V3 first before going any further.


The reverb is very nice on this amp, I hope you enjoy it.
Good luck with the repair.

You also might want to try a balanced 12AX7 in V1. It helps with the Class A hiss to have a smoother tube here.
thanks Mike,

I tried tube swapping of V3 (known good tube from my F-30) and no change. I found a Blue Angel schematic on line by accident and if it's correct the reverb circuit is pretty straight forward and, as you know, uses V3 and a portion of V4. There isn't much that can go wrong with the circuit and since replacing the tubes didn't do anything I can next go after the tank.

I guess I'll call Mesa on Monday just to verify I can swap out the reverb tank with my F-30 for a simple test. It should be ok but I want to be sure there isn't some kind of wierd incompatibility issue with tanks...and then dammage something.

Thanks for the tip on balaned v1. Sure is worth a try.

Is there a simple way to check the reverb tank?

These reverb tanks look like simple devices. I don't know of any trick to visually check them other than to look at the springs to see if they remain tensioned. Exchanging it for the one in your F30 won't harm anything, so that would certainly be worth a try. Did you go for a swap at V4, too?
Yup... swapped out V4. Just got off the phone with Chris a Mesa and he said the F30 is a different tank from the Blue Angel. The BA is tube and the F30 isn't.

Based on what I told him he thinks it's most likely the tank and gave me some things to check. And if I need to replace it a new one is $37.00. I can handle that..

I'll let you know how it comes out. I alway's like it if I can fix something without having to replace a part.


He said to basically check the RCA cable connections as well as the foam stuffing to make sure it's not shifted and pressing against the strings... and to look for broken wires inside the tank. He said if the small wires inside are broken they are about impossible to resolder. I'm out of town and will be able to check it out Sunday.

I'll be sure to post what I find.

Here's a link that might be helpful when you do that on Sunday.

please do keep us informed of your findings. i have a BA 4x10 and it's the quietest, smoothest amp i've ever had. no hiss and the reverb is awesome.
i use JJ tubes and have had no problems with them...
I fixed it!!!

Although it may not last.

In the reverb tank there is an input and output RCA jack. Each of the RCA jack positive terminal is connected to a little transducer (about 1/4 inch and is basically a small coil of wire). The RCA jacks are connected to the transducer with some small approx. 20 gage wires. These wires were ok. I found a little tiny wire (about the size of a hair...the ones on most peoples heads) broken from the connector terminals of one of the coils. Chris from Mesa warned me about this and that it's almost imposible to solder.. Well it is almost imposibe but with a little persistance and a steady hand I was able to get a small piece of wire soldered to that little hair wire and then soldered that to the coil terminal where it's supposed to go. It looks like it may come apart again so I may order another tank to have on hand.

Now the amp sounds even better and most of the offensive noise is gone. The reverb is smooth and full. Very little noise at idle now.. for a class A tube amp anyway

