People who hate Mesa, but have never played one, MADDENING!!

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2005
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I have run into this numerous times, and I just had another one of them. I was talking to a guy about what amps to buy and he's like "I want a Peavey or a Marshall". I said not bad choices, depending on what models etc. Then I suggest "What about a Mesa??" He's like "No, I don't want one of those"!! So of course I ask him why.
He says, I am not really very fond of them, I don't play metal!"

I ask him if he has ever played a Mesa and of course the answer he gives me is NO!! Friggin' people!!

I don't get it!! :roll:
I certainly would have, but it was online. Makes it more difficult. I think I'll save it all up in the off chance I may meet him sometime. BAM!! :D
I don't have friends saying that.
If they say that they will be my enemies not my friends.
Stupdity is unforgivable :evil:
I waited 12 years to get my first valve amp, partly for financial reasons and also because I just couldn't get one that gave me the versatility I wanted on using a small rack and getting amazing tone/features on the amp itself. It took me a year of trying loads of different options to find what I wanted, but bought my LSC 212 two weeks ago and am absolutely loving it!!!! And I tried the lot: Fender, Marshall, Peavey, Orange, Vox to name but a few.

Gonna take some patience to find my tone, I know, but that's half the fun from what I read on here, as I've found loads of great settings already :) Somehow I think my JMP-1 won't be doing much work going forward.

zakkfaerum said:
Just amazes me how people think!!

And why is that? Can you not admit that what people percieve? That the Rectifier has been the tool of choice among many "nu-metal" guitarists as of late! It will happen to some of us PRS players also, and I'm sure you have some opinion/perception of what a PRS represents! It's true, I've grown tired of the Rectifier tone myself, and though I owned one, it was'nt altogether that ownership that I grew tired of! It was about carving out my own tone, something different, not heard on the radio everyday! IMHO, you need'nt play a Rectifier to figure out it does'nt do leads, just turn the **** radio on!
Oh I totally understand that they think Recto and metal, but to say "I don't like Mesa amps", when they really have never looked into all the other lines of amps Mesa makes, or have never even played one.
I must admit that I wasn't a big fan of Mesa "back in da day" :oops:

And that was before I even played one. I had ignorant preconceptions about them being fizzy and metal sounding.

Until I played one. 8)

Now I'm hooked like a fish!
I used to play M@rshall bowered with an Orange OD for my dirty channel.

One gig many years ago, we were told the backline was provided - you know the drill: "just bring your own guitars, pedalboards; etc"

We got there, and there was NO backline! I didn't have an amp to play out of !!!

Luckily a touring act Mandown was playing after us, and the guitarist was like "you can use my rig" - a Racktifier and a Mesa 4X12.

Ohhhhh man. My tone was KILLAH!!

Shortly thereafter, I sold my Marshall, and bought my first Mesa. It's been Mesa love ever since! :p
Growning up all my heros played Marshalls...Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Randy Rhoads, Eddie Van Halen etc...So I dreamed of a Marshall half stack. As I got into gear a couple of years ago and was looking at Marshalls (and still to this day) I can't find one I like.

I've got a 2ch DR halfstack, go figure.
This happens for everything not only amps. People like this are narrow-minded and need to be blindfolded and play thru the amp. They'll like it. :p
a lot of people just dont get it...... honestly i was driven towards mesa because of some of my favorite artists because i loved their tone (metallica, petrucci, the postman syndrome which was a local band my band was friends with)..... so i finally one day after being completely frustarted with my marshall amp decided to take the financial plunge and get a triple rec (i didnt then and still dont for the most part play or like to play leads.... i enjoy rhythms and riffing which is what made me pick the recto over the mark series... so it made sense)..... anyway i got a triple rec (older 2 channel) and the amp was heaven.... as for it sounding like everyone else i never had that problem.... that had a lot to do with the fact i, for most stuff blended my channel 2 tones with my roland jc-120... i also use a lot of fx at times .... i wish i kept that amp because it was so killer.... since then i've gone through so many **** amps in such a short time it sickens me (although some of you guys on here are scary with the amount of amps you've gone through)....after the TR i went to a rectoverb combo because my back was getting killed by the TR and 4x12 mesa cab.... the RV couldnt cut it though for my band as far as volume so i went to a tremoverb which i also loved for its darker gain..... then as my band changed a little i went to a Mark iv which took me a while to get the hang of but in the end loved it..... still yurning for a more recto type gain i got rid of the mark iv and got a triaxis/2:90 reack setup which i never wanted to get rid of.... that was until my band broke up and i realized i had about $5000 dollars in equipment sitting in my room and i could never turn it up.... so i unloaded all of that and got a vetta combo to hold me off until some dept was payed for.... just recently i found myself going full circle back to a DR Roadster and its the best amp ive owned out of the whole lot.....

this last time before i got the roadster i had the opportunity of trying a whole slew of different amps because my job brought me out to Cali..... on weekends being 3600 miles away from home i found every killer music shop in southern cali and got to try the ENGL SE, Savage, Blackmore, VHT Pitbull CLX, UL, Marshall JVM, a couple of Orange amps, some modded 5150s, Soldano knucklehead and a older SLO100, Diezel VH4, Bogner Uberschall,etc..... out of all them i found the Roadster to be the best sounding all around, compared to most of the amps extremely versitile and above all compared to the ENGLs, Diezels, Bogners, and VHTs it was anywhere from $500 to $2500 cheaper..... anyhow..... i got way off the subject ...sorry
clutch71 said:
Growning up all my heros played Marshalls...Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Randy Rhoads, Eddie Van Halen etc...So I dreamed of a Marshall half stack. As I got into gear a couple of years ago and was looking at Marshalls (and still to this day) I can't find one I like.

I've got a 2ch DR halfstack, go figure.

One thing I find with amps is most of them sound best in the context of a band rather than on their own . Lots of classic songs were recorded with old marshalls and i would bet most of those amps sound brittle and thin on their own but when you put a full band around them they shine like the sun .
It wasnt just nu metal people, in the last 10 years I have seen alot of bands, rock, punk, metal, nu metal, screamo, emo and most of them have used Mesa Dual/Triples.

Just the other day I was watching London Live and both Pink's guitarist used a 3 channel rec, as well as the guy for all saints. I saw james brown a few years back, and his guitarist was using a 2 channel rec. Maroon 5's frontman uses a 3 channel dual, as well as big and rich I think, or one of those country groups i saw one on stage.

The Rec's are very verstile amps, they excell at rythem, but I have never had a problem getting a good lead, yeah I need to boost it with a pedal, but stlil sounds **** good and very passible. Funny thing is, I like playing leads with my Roadking/Dual Rec/Tremoverb more then i do with my bogner XTC.

jbird said:
zakkfaerum said:
Just amazes me how people think!!

And why is that? Can you not admit that what people percieve? That the Rectifier has been the tool of choice among many "nu-metal" guitarists as of late! It will happen to some of us PRS players also, and I'm sure you have some opinion/perception of what a PRS represents! It's true, I've grown tired of the Rectifier tone myself, and though I owned one, it was'nt altogether that ownership that I grew tired of! It was about carving out my own tone, something different, not heard on the radio everyday! IMHO, you need'nt play a Rectifier to figure out it does'nt do leads, just turn the **** radio on!
I agree 100%, Marshall do sound great in a mix, they sit where the guitar is suppose to sit.

I tend to find Rec's sound better in a band that the bassist also uses Mesa Gear. From what i have heard of there bass stuff, it seems like it sits lower too so this way it gets along great with the rec's. Dont get me wrong, I have heard rec's with other bass equiptment and they still sounded find.

Barry said:
clutch71 said:
Growning up all my heros played Marshalls...Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Randy Rhoads, Eddie Van Halen etc...So I dreamed of a Marshall half stack. As I got into gear a couple of years ago and was looking at Marshalls (and still to this day) I can't find one I like.

I've got a 2ch DR halfstack, go figure.

One thing I find with amps is most of them sound best in the context of a band rather than on their own . Lots of classic songs were recorded with old marshalls and i would bet most of those amps sound brittle and thin on their own but when you put a full band around them they shine like the sun .
Mario8672 said:
This happens for everything not only amps. People like this are narrow-minded and need to be blindfolded and . . .

I was scared to find out where you were going with this. lol

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