Pedals in FX Loop Inaudible Mesa Solo Rec

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May 23, 2011
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I apologize if this has been answered before, but I've searched the Internet far and wide and spend a lot of time on this board trying to find the answer.

I'm fairly new to tube amps and am trying to get some pedals working in the FX loop. To make it simple lets just say I'm trying to put a chorus pedal there. I bring the send from the fx to the input of the pedal and the output from the pedal into the return. I turn the mix controller on the back to anything, plug the guitar into the amp turn on the pedal and get just the normal sound from the guitar (no effect). If I take that same pedal and put it in between the guitar and the amp, I get the shimmering effect of the chorus as expected. I've read the manual numerous times, and haven't gleaned anything more that would help.

Can someone give me a short primer on what I need to do to get a pedal playing through the effects loop? Any and all help would be appreciated, especially if it's in simple terms that my pea brain can understand :)

sounds like you have it hooked up correctly. you have the mix knob all the way up? have you tried other pedals to see if you get any effect at all? And did you buy this used? Maybe somebody tried a loop mod on it and disengaged it all together?