Other Mesa/Boogie Forums?

The Boogie Board

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There's one other that I know of, but the last time I was on it they were getting less than five posts a day.....

.....my last memory of the place was the mod (Rocket440) making fun of some kid's Epi Explorer, and my prompt banning for telling the mod what I thought of him for it (it wasn't polite).

Anyway, that's my opinion of the place....feel free to form your own. :)
screamingdaisy said:
There's one other that I know of, but the last time I was on it they were getting less than five posts a day.....

.....my last memory of the place was the mod (Rocket440) making fun of some kid's Epi Explorer, and my prompt banning for telling the mod what I thought of him for it (it wasn't polite).

Anyway, that's my opinion of the place....feel free to form your own. :)

Hah, how could we forget? That place was disgusting. It was sweet having so many of us get banned in such a short time period, and then consequently, he being banned multiple times. Oh, the memories.

What more could you need for Boogies than Grailtone?
I looked around adn this was the most open to multiple opinions. The flames get a little much every so often, but the moderators seem to be OK with letting them go unless they get out of control.

I have learned from this group and it is nice to have a sounding board for those fleeting thoughts you might have. Helped me avoid a few grand of buyers regret already!
As long as the posts provide benefitial information I leave them alone. When they resort to name calling they get axed. So far everyone has been great and the board has been easy to manage.
The *other* board went the way of the Do Do....I wasn't aware of any huge flaming, but I stuck with the mark section mostly...
ax. :twisted: