One of a kind - until someone else orders one...

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
My signature series guitars - The GG7 (left) and GG6
from Ormsby Guitars in Western Australia 8)
Alder bodies, Maple necks, Ebony fretboards, Floyd Rose bridges, Duncan Pickups (JB bridge & 59 neck), Gotoh Tuners (mini on the 7).


The GG7 has a Tiger Myrtle veneer top, and the fretboard inlays are Turquoise and Tahitian Black Pearl.
The GG6 has a Flame Maple veneer top, and the inlays are Gold Mother-of-Pearl and Malachite.

Through the Road King Series I 212 combo, they hoot! :shock:

Neat, huh? :D
G'day Graham,

Perry sure makes a nice guitar. Your Sig models are almost exactly what I have in my mind for my own custom guitar when I get around to having one made and Perry was the guy that I would most likely speak to, to have it made.

One thing I'd like to ask you is, how do you find the stability and over all playability of the Floyd rose 7 as apposed to the 6 string version?

I like my Universes because of the Ibanez Lo Pro edge on them but also love the OFR. Would you say that they are as good if not better than the Ibanez Lo pro or edge tremolos?

All the best with your CD.

For you guys in the States and elsewhere, get yourself a copy of Graham's CD - Leap of Face.

G'day Sanchez,

Thank you for your kind words, and your question. Onya! 8)

You can't put a foot wrong with Perry - I used eight of his guitars (including mine) to record the album, and every one was unique and excellent. I had been with Peavey and Ibanez for 14 years all up, and they got a Dear John email after we sealed an Ormsby deal. It was a no-brainer after I played his guitars.

The GG7 holds tune beautifully, and has a nice smooth feel. I have an original multi-colour swirl Universe, and while it plays stunningly well, I've actually found the Floyd Rose arm on the GG7 stays in place better, being a screw-on. This is a big plus for me, as I like doing silly schitt with my whammy. :D
I couldn't speak for another guitar with a Floyd 7, but I know that Perry installs Floyd Bridges so that they do not shift, hold tune, and can provide any desired playing action. You may not get that with a factory built 7.

Oh, yeah - People, you can check out Leap Of Face here. (Thanks for the plug, Sanch mate!)