Got the bias/voltage probe.
I'll take some measures tonight and post the results here.
Probably with the stock Mesa 6L6 and the EH EL34, maybe the Mesa STR-416.
Here we are.
EH EL34, rated 28mA for the inner tubes, 36mA for the outer pair
Outer pair : Va-k = 434 V, Ik = 46mA so plate dissipation around 80%
Inner pair : Va-k = 434 V, Ik = 52mA so plate dissipation around 90%
G2 current can be quite important on a EL34. According the schematic (haven't measured it) it could be between 3-6mA on this amp, so it lower the plate dissipation to 80% and 75%, which is too much anyway.
Mesa 6L6GC AC10 "BLUE"
Outer pair : Va-k = 434* V, Ik = 43mA so plate dissipation around 62%
Inner pair : Va-k = 434* V, Ik = 48mA so plate dissipation around 69%
G2 current is very low in 6L6GC, so the plate dissipation may be 1-2% lower than calulated
STR-416 6CA7
Outer pair : Va-k = 434* V, Ik = 15/32mA so plate dissipation around 26%/55%
Inner pair : Va-k = 434* V, Ik = 64mA so plate dissipation around 111%
One of the outer tube may be bad, the current s very low. But the inner pair run very very hot and red plated in less than 1 minute.
So my conclusion is that the MkV is a EL34 killer with the stock bias. The EH EL34 I have are the lower grade I could find (28mA) and run too hot. The 36mA rated pair is a "Mesa bias selected pair", running at 100-105% in the iner sockets.
I think I'll do the bias mod, only one resistor need to be changed for the EL34 bias without altering the 6L6 position. And another one could be replaced with a trimpot for adjusting the bias to any matched quartet.
*tubes are too big to put the voltage reader, so I assume the plate voltage is around that value (same as the EL34 value)