OK, the hype is true--EL34's: THEY'RE GRRRRREAT!

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
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Purchased a set of TAD el34-B tubes recently... I believe they are the crown jewels that this king (amp) needed. Yes, indeed. 8)
I'd heard that Ch.1 would take a hit, but I think its an improvement. I use tweed mode, and it just enhances the touch dynamics and growl, taking away any unpleasurable high-end spike that often topped notes with the 6l6's.
Ch.2 is better without question, as I'd suspected it would be. Its still very open, but now it has a quality--I really can't name it--that makes me smile. It pulls everything towards the middle, causing an earlier, tighter breakup. Each note sprouts a full-grown, Grizzly Adams-style beard, as opposed to the prepubescent stubble of the 6l6. Its very manly.
Ch. 3 should be the cream of this amp, but I felt like it was the weakest before, like it worked against me somehow. It handles better now, it feels better. All the bad parts of the high and low ends are chopped off and laid in the middle, allowing it to dominate a mix without any irritating shrillness. It somehow opened up a good bit too, making it a better match for channel 2 when channel switching. I'm really pleased.
The best thing about the el34's is that the amp sounds better at lower volumes, so playing out won't be such a compromise. I loved the amp with 6l6's, but for me el34's are a vast improvement. I've read others, after hearing an a/b clip, say that they were glad they didn't buy into the hype and that they stuck with their stock tubes. I don't think a cursory listening can reveal the difference these tubes make. You really need to play it to hear it. But if that means buying them, I promise you won't be sorry.
Good to hear you are enjoying them so much :) I tossed a set of EL34b's in mine as well and I agree with your assessment of CH2 &3.
It all in the ear of the player - as usual

+1 for EL34's in both my MKV and LSC. They are right for me and what I want to do, and I agree sound clips are almost useless in determining the true difference between EL34's & 6L6's

You need to try them to experience the real deal. It's about the feel and response you get standing close to a set of cabs moving air at volume for me. That magic has never come across to me in sound clips
For me it was Channel 2 that changed the most when I went to EL34s... I practically live there now, and just use my volume control to change tones throughout most songs... I do think I prefered the 6L6 "pristine" cleans, though... I just don't use them often enough to miss them...
this has me curious....
I've read that most people using the Mark V for " Metal" duties prefer the 6L6's...any truth to this claim?

I use my Mark V for Thrash/Prog Metal...and I've heard some prog metal players(Misha Bulb Mansoor) using the EL34's in their amps that they use (ENGL/Mesa/whatever)..but I'm not sure how EL34's sound in a Mark V for Metal...
so I guess..I won't know unless I buy a set and try em out...
HeadlessAxeman said:
this has me curious....
I've read that most people using the Mark V for " Metal" duties prefer the 6L6's...any truth to this claim?

I use my Mark V for Thrash/Prog Metal...and I've heard some prog metal players(Misha Bulb Mansoor) using the EL34's in their amps that they use (ENGL/Mesa/whatever)..but I'm not sure how EL34's sound in a Mark V for Metal...
so I guess..I won't know unless I buy a set and try em out...

I'll start off by saying tone is subjective...

Channel 3 with EL34s is instant Metallica. They give it a midrange grind that is lacking with 6L6s. I think it's well known that James used to slave his Mark IIC+ into a Marshall's power section, so it makes sense.

The trade off is that the EL34s don't pop single notes in the same way. They recess a bit compared to chords, whereas with 6L6s the single notes have a more defined/cutting edge.

I typically use 6L6s because they work out better for Lamb of God style single note riffing. If it weren't for that I'd be using EL34s.

Thanks man!....that kinda nailed it for me...I play LOG type stuff as well..so...I'm not going to wander and buy a set of EL34's at least until I hear it from some one else's amp live.
I love EL34s--they're much sweeter to me then 6L6s. Although, mixing both in simul-class is truly humongous sounding and a very nice balance. It really depends what the preamp section is doing as well before it hits the poweramp, so the choice of good preamp tubes is a must. So many different tube combinations produce so many different results. Enough to drive you nuts.. :x ....though, I've been quite happy with my combination for a few years now. 8)

I've weighed in before, I love the 34's in this amp, but that's because they suit the style of music that I play. It may very well be that I could get close to the same types of tones with 6L6's but I just seem to be able to dial them in quicker with 34's. Which brings the next point, the problem with comparisons in clips is how you do the comparison. IF you set it up to sound good with 6L's and then just drop in the 34's and change no settings, while clinically it makes the most sense it isn't going to show off what the 34's do for the amp. Of course, when you put 34's in you are going to tweak the amp and find your sound.
HeadlessAxeman said:

Thanks man!....that kinda nailed it for me...I play LOG type stuff as well..so...I'm not going to wander and buy a set of EL34's at least until I hear it from some one else's amp live.

If you can afford a set I think EL34s are worth having around just for the fun of it. I sometimes get bored sometimes and switch tube types up just to generate a little excitement.