Noisy effects loop on Roadster!!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys!

Played through my rig yesterday, and I realized that my Roadster gets significantly noisier with the effects loop switched in.

I tried switching out V5 for another Chinese Mesa 12AX7, and no difference. When trouble shooting there was nothing running in the loop, and the noise didn't change at all when I put pedals in there either.

Is there any other tube that could be effecting this?

Any other ideas on how to get this fixed?


When you say you were trouble shooting with nothing in the loop do you me nothing as in nothing plugged into the loop at all or just your pedals/effects shut off. One time I was getting the same thing. However, it turned out that one of the adaptors to one of my pedals was only giving out about 5volts. It would be noisy even if the pedal was shut off. I replaced it and the sound went away. Try isolating what effects you have running in it. If it's not there, does the sound exist on all channels or just certain ones?
Everything is unplugged from the loop, so the pedals can't be the culprit.

It seems to be mostly on the gain channels, but is slightly audible on clean swell.

Hmmm...that's weird. Usually, whenever something isn't working well on these amps 90% of the time it is a tube issue. So, my suggestion would be to maybe start switching out tubes to see if there is a bad one. However, if the problem doesn't occur when the loop is off that would lead me to think that maybe there is a problem inside the amp like a dirty pot or a bad soder in the circuitry that runs the effects loop. You may want to take it in to a technician.

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