Noise Problem ???

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Dec 23, 2007
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Hi I bought a brand new stiletto ace. Woks perfectly, but when I go on the red channel there is a lot of noise comming out of the amp. I know the red channel is a channel with more gain, but how should be the noise difference between the blue and the red.

Usually my master in no more than the half, and even at low volume there's noise.


You may have a semi-faulty or noisy pre-amp tube. Of special concern is the tube in pre-amp slot V1. If that tube is noisy or defective in anyway, every pre-amp tube after it will magnify whatever noise it creates. Check out your local shop and ask them for a good tube in slot 1. I use a Groove Tube 7025 12AX7, it sounds great on my MarkIV. Even with my gain almost maxed, I don't really get any noise unless the amp is very loud, and even then it's just the light noise floor of the tubes working.
I just solved a noise/static problem on my Lonestar Classic. I was having the same problem. It was driving me crazy. Noise/static on the red channel and no noise at all on the drive channel. I changed out every tube but V2, which on the Lonestar is the 2nd/3rd gain stage. Yep, it was V2. Changed it out with a a new tube and all is well, no noise/static on either channel.
had it also

there is a tube diagramm on the left inside when attending from the back. switch the preamp tubes one by one while the amp is off. what you describe should be caused by preamtube no. 1

and when its already opened you can oil the trannies, all of my aces have trannies with corrosion.

how old from which production period is the ace? do you have the new or older celestions inside?
I have a "tea kettle" whistling noise in my Stiletto on the high gain settings. Is that what you're talking about? I was assuming it might be an outlet, power conditioner type thing. I'll take any suggestiong too!