The only thing in the preamp that is Recto is how the tone stack is driven and how the FX loop is managed. This amp does not have the cold clipper gain stage in it like I had thought it would. My first attempt to measure components on the cathodes and to see if it had the DC coupled cathode follower circuit (it does) was done in error. 1.5k on the last gain stage was mistaken to be 15k. It was not until I decided to measure all of the plate and cathode resistors is when I realized this ain't no Recto amp, it is a Mark hybrid of sorts. So now what? You either focus on the tone stack driver circuit or the tone stack itself if you want more gain. Legendary Tones Scary mod or other of the models is more than likely an additional gain stage or two using the one tube and the other is probably the DC coupled CF tone stack driver circuit (this is assumed). Will it actually work in the Badlander that is mostly a derivative of the Mark preamp? The Scary mod takes the place of the V2 tube as that is the location of the DC coupled CF tone stack driver circuit. I found a reference for the original and used a 6C10 which was originally the Soldano hot mod. the 6C10 is a triple triode tube compared to the dual triode in the 12AX7. So the Legendary tones is just an additional gain stage and a DC coupled CF circuit. The images below are from the internet. I do not have either of these products, just an overview of what it is.
This is the tube that was used on the original design back in 1990.
Since the 6C10 tube is now as rare as others from that time period, Legendary tones recreated it with two 12AX7 tubs.
There are a few other models of this add-A-tube or stage. The original was more compact with the 6C10 tube but the cost is outrageous if you can find one and supply the NOS price for the tube itself.
I have seen a few videos but only one with a Mesa Rectifier. The comments were that the head shell had to be removed in order to use it as it required an adapter and with that it was too tall. If it is just and extra gain stage, nah, it be easier just to add a compressor/sustainer or boost/OD on the front end. At least with the compressor/sustainer if you get a good one it usually will be one of those turn it on and forget about it. I recall back in the day with the Mark IV and Mark III days, the Boss compressor was it for me. Now looking back, I really did not need it. I should pull out the compressor I have now and see how that works out.
It is interesting but would I be willing to use this in the Badlander? probably not. MWDR is a beast without any boost as is. Roadster, I woke that up with change in preamp tubes, both of those amps can grind away tone for days beyond the Badlander but do they have the same level of compression and saturation as the Badlander, absolutely not. Different preamp design and power section. The only thing related is the tone stack driver and the FX loop circuit (series type only) and it does not have the master volume control with solo boost. At least I found the right preamp tubes to use in the Roadster so that I can make use of the 7-string guitars with it. Have not yet experimented with the MWDR yet. As for the Badlander, right out of the box the amp works well with the 7-string guitars.
Funny, when you compare the Badlander to the Mark VII side by side, the gain and low end are there. Heck the Bad crush is more like the IV mode on the Mark VII than is the VII mode. Tone wise, you sort of lose a bit of the low end but gain loudness with the EL34. Change to 6L6GC the bad becomes more of a beast but the trade-off is reduced volume and more meat on the bottom. Different midrange content and the perceived gain from the amp seems to be much better if you compensate for the volume drop. Side by side Bad vs Bad, 6L6 vs EL34, there was only a slight difference in tone, attitude and gain characteristics. Depends on the bias color of the tube (Mesa branded ones). I will have to run a side by side test to compare the STR445 to the STR448 and see which I like better. At the time I got the STR448, I did not have the STR445 to compare too.
I am happy with the two Badlanders, Rev 5 (first release 2020) and Rev 7 (current production as of 2023). I do not feel it needs more of anything but exploring the possibility is always a good thing. As for doing any hard mods, no. Not going there. Is it worth adding an extra gain stage? probably not but not really sure if it would work to any advantage as the Bad is more of a Mark amp than a Rectifier with the cold clipper (no such circuit to be found in the BAD, I looked for it, not there.)