No Gain, Tube Issue?

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2012
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Hey I searched around but couldn't find anything quite like my problem. I was playing last night and switched it to standby for a few minutes. When I flipped it back, I had no gain/distortion, only clean tone. Switching from channel 1 to 2 to 3 , same thing. No gain/distortion, only changes in volume. The clean tone seemed to be fine, no weird breakup or noise although it seemed to be less beefy than normal. i flipped through all the wattage modes on each channel and messed with the master and gan nobs but couldn't get any breakup, just more volume.

Anyone ever heard of something like that before? I assume it's a tube problem, any idea what tube(s) could be the culprit? I have changed the 6l6s and the 5U4G within the last 2 years but I haven't changed any of the 12AX7s since I bought the amp slightly used about 3 years ago.
That's bizarre...

By looking at the tube chart, I'd say all of 'em because
all affect the gain stage of one channel if not two. With
that said though, it could be V1 since that affects 'em
My V does something similar when I have the amp on but my multi-fx unit turned off. I have it connected by the 4cm.
Well I replaced all 7 of them and the original gain issue seems to be resolved. But now i seem to be having some electrical issues and feedback...Idk, could have something to do with my pedal board. This is a pain in the ass!!