New to Boogie, how loud should a TremoVerb be?

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Jul 26, 2012
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I bought a later model Trem O Verb combo, 2x12. It's my first "real" amp and I love how it sounds. I've gone through the manual and there's plenty of warnings that this amp can get very loud. I brought it to a band rehearsal and ended up having to use the Red channel on Modern High Gain with the gain at 0.5, but the Presence and Master cranked all the way, and it still wasn't loud enough, as in, everyone in the band kept asking me to turn up. It's seems like it doesn't increase much in volume after about 0.4 on the Master.

I've only had solid state amps all my life so apologies for the n00b question, I really appreciate the help...Any ideas?


-ja :?:
I take it you bought it used, it could be weak tubes. A 2x12 tube combo should peel paint off the walls.
I have two of these. They share a Marshall 4x12, until I get the second one in house and refurbish it like the one I have now. Both combos also use their respective Mesa V30s. A total of eight speakers are being used.

Here are my settings:
FXLoop Modded to Series
Send Level 12:00-12:30
Silicone Diode
Zero Cloning or "Normal"
Channel One Clean
Gain 9:00
Treble 9:00-10:00
Mid 11:00-12:00
Bass 11:00
Presence 9:00-10:00
Master 2:00

Channel Two Hi-Gain
Gain 12:00
Treble 9:00
Mid 11:00-12:00
Bass 11:00
Presence 9:00-10:00
Master 10:00-11:00

Loop Active Master 9:00-11:00

These settings are variable depending on where and who I am playing etc.

Long story short with the Loop Active Master set to 10:00 it screams and if I push it to 11:00 it crushes anything in the room, breaks glass, and kills small animals.

It is time to check power tubes then preamp tubes. Speakers etc. Here is a link...see below.

There is some useful stuff there just to get you started and then the forum or an authorized Mesa technician can take care of the rest.

It is a great amp and can do just about everything, so don't give up.
Hey, thanks for the replies. I did buy it used fro my brother in law who primarily played through it clean in Jazz bands, so I don't think he ever really wound it up. And it looks like in the settings you've posted, the Loop Active Master can also affect volume, even without any pedals in the loop? From the manual;

" When the Loop is switched out of “Bypass” the Yellow Loop LED next to this
control comes on with the channel that the loop is active in. When this LED is illumi-
nated the Loop Active Master replaces the Channel Masters to become the overall Mas-
ter Volume Control."

So i'll double check I don't have that on even though I'm pretty sure the yellow LED is off...

But yea, paint peeling is what I'd expect! Thanks for the link, I'll run down the list of diagnostics and hopefully can avoid having to take it in.


Great and good luck and welcome to the forum.

Hey, just for fun...what did you pay for this amp?
I gave him $1000 Canadian. he gets first crack at buying it back if I ever feel like selling it. Seemed to be around the average price.

thanks again,

You did well depending on the condition.

It sounds like it was in mint kudos.
It's irreparably broken. Send it to me and I'll use it for an end table. I'll even cover shipping. :lol:

(Check the power tubes, then the preamp tubes, then the speakers, then have a tech check it out.)
Be sure to turn it down before taking out the loop. Not sure if that is like my Knucklehead Tre, but the loop level was a second MV with the loop engaged. It would launch you away from the front of it if it was dialed up....
You've got a weak tube(s) somewhere in the amp -- regardless of whether or not you bought it used or new. Mesa's are LOUD. Heck, tubes amps in general are LOUD. Even 10 watt Carr amps are LOUD. I once owned a Tiny Terror and on 7 watts that amp was TOO LOUD for true home usage -- that is, if I wanted to achieve true tube tone and warmth.

Swap out your tubes. You'll end up a happy, happy man afterwards.
ok thanks everyone! I swapped out the power tubes. When I turned the amp on after a good amount of warmup time it was already noticeably ( and scarily ) louder and sounding nicer. Plus the new tubes have a pretty bright orange glow with a spot of blue and the old tubes glowed quite dimly. ( good? bad? ) I haven't had a chance to crank it in my small apt, but I'll bring it to the rehearsal space next week and try it out proper like and let you know.

thanks again for all your help!

R_ADKINS80 said:
I take it you bought it used, it could be weak tubes. A 2x12 tube combo should peel paint off the walls.

They are loud as hell when they are working properly. Have fun with it.