New Song recorded with my Boogie stuff!!!

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2006
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Here's the link....

the tune is called "itchy trigger" its all recorded with Boogie. I used my Triaxis and 20/20 thru a Rectifier 4 x 12 cab loaded with 30 watt celestions. Mic used was a Beta 57a on the rhythm parts and I miced in stereo on the solo with the beta 57a and a Neumann TLM 103. The guitar was PRS custom 22. Hope you dig it! Please let me know what you guys think.
really like the tone! specially the rhythm one, i must say i don' like so much too effected solo tones, but these are my tastes, you've done a great work!
That was awsome! :D Loved the Tones.

The Song itself.. Sounded a little like Velvet Revolver, With a Touch of Alice in Chains. Very Impressive. :D

EDIT: What mode of the Triaxis was this?
Scary Guy IRL said:
That was awsome! :D Loved the Tones.

The Song itself.. Sounded a little like Velvet Revolver, With a Touch of Alice in Chains. Very Impressive. :D

EDIT: What mode of the Triaxis was this?

Wow! Thanks. The rhythm guitars are done with Lead 2 Green and the solo was recorded with Lead 2 Red.
SeasonOfPain said:
I like it!

Defintitely an AIC vibe there. Very professional recording, and great vocal harmonies. Is that you singing?

I appreciate the kind words! My friend is singing lead and a great deal of the background vocals. He also played the drums and did the guitar solo.

I sang the harmonies and part of the background vocals. I played the rhythm guitars and bass. We co-wrote the tune.
if any of you guys are interested you can check out more recordings at the link below. There are several originals and a few covers as well.
Elpelotero said:

i'd buy the cd!

thanks! if you would like to have a cd PM your address and I will get you one out in the mail....I'll do a special x-mas deal $10 (that will include shipping). Just let me know.
bifferman2966 said:
I like it very "in your face tone"

thanks.....thats the kind of tone i was after in this tune so i am glad you noticed!!!

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