New Mesa Owner, need some help.

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Nov 9, 2009
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Hey all,

Just picked up a Rectoverb Combo (Series 1) for an amazing price, love it even with the "issues" I'm now looking at.

The guy I bought it from live in an apartment complex with quiet hours (which of course was the only time we could meet), so I didn't have the opportunity to crank the amp, but it sounded good, so I took it. Now that I have it home, I'm noticing a faint buzzing/rattling sound when I play on channel two (even at moderately low volumes - i.e. 8 o'clock output). Before I walked out the door, he said he had to tighten something, as he'd just had the tubes replaced and hadn't gotten around to doing it yet. I didn't catch exactly what he said he was doing but he tightened up some screws in the area that would be behind the "Mesa Engineering" logo on the front grille. Anyone know what's in the area that could've needed tightening? (I can see some screws, but I don't want to mess with it unless I know what I'm doing). Could this be another component rattling around instead (like the tubes), or is this normal with all the air being pushed with the speaker?

tl;dr - There's a faint buzzing (NOT hum from the electronics), is it normal, or do I need to troubleshoot?

I loved the clean channel, but found the distortion a bit "loose." I know that seemed to be the general consensus in the reviews that I read, but I figured that playing around with the built in eq would help a bit. Despite this, I still can't get a good tone out of the distortion channel, it just seems off (for lead work, the rhythm aspect of the distortion sounds awesome and full). I'm told that buying a pedal would help this, namely a boost or OD. Anyone have any thoughts on which work best with Mesa products in general? I'm also looking into the 10-band eq from MXR as being a good aid to tighten up the sound, has anyone had experience with this unit with the 'verb?

I'm also noticing that there almost seems to be a slight distortion overtone that almost sounds like the note is being played and then the "tightness" kicks in after a couple milliseconds. Is it just me hearing things, or do I need to continue playing with the eq to eliminate this? (Sounds a bit fuzzy, which hinders lead work) The solo function REALLY helps clear this up, but I still feel like it could be better...thoughts?

tl;dr - The distortion channel needs help: which OD/Boost is good to use, would an external eq help, and how can I use the amp itself to tighten the sound up for lead work. (almost sounds fuzzy)

Last, but not least, I'm currently looking to pick up a G-major for FX processing. Has anyone had personal experience with this unit and the 'verb? And would it provide the features, like the EQ, and Boost/OD that I mentioned in the previous "section?" There was also the issue of heat being produced. I know that tube amps run warm, but how warm is normal (I didn't see it in Mesa's manual for the amp, maybe I missed it)?

Any insight you guys can offer would be great, as I know that this amazing amp can only get better from here.


One thing I just noticed:

I powered the amp off about 2 minutes ago, and got that "clicky" sound that comes from turning the amp off. But now, after those two minutes, there's been several noises (like "aftershocks" for lack of a better word) that keep coming. They've stopped about 5 minutes after turning the amp off. I didn't read about this anywhere, is it normal, or should I have it checked out?
As far as the rattling, it's tough to say. You just really need to go over it. Possibly contact the seller and ask him what he was tightening

As far as loose distortion, that kind of is the case with the recto series to a degree. I don't currently own one, but I did own a Road King. Some tips.

1. Keep the channel Master low, maybe 9:00 and crank the main output.
2. Keep the amp gain no higher then 2:00
3. EQ in the loop is a must have IMO. Much more so then the boost. With the right settings you can completely tighten it up with the EQ. Adding the boost becomes icing IMO
4. If you still want a boost, three favorites around here are the tube screamer, the Maxon, and the Fulltone OCD. I never tried the Maxon, but I did the tube screamer and OCD and went with the OCD because I felt it didn't alter the amps tone, just tightened it. I felt the tubescreamer took out some of the recto growl where the OCD left it in. I'm sure many here would disagree, but that was my opinion.

I emailed him about it, he hasn't gotten back to me yet, but I don't see him as one to ignore a buyer. Hopefully we can get it figured out.

Thanks for the settings suggestions, unfortunately my family's heading to bed, so no chance to try it now...I definitely have to agree about the gain level though, this thing's got more gain on tap than I'm ever going to effectively use.

I'm bidding on a 6 band from MXR, in your opinion, will that provide enough alteration capabilities, or should I go with a 10 band for the best results? (If you could provide some settings, that would be great...if not, I'll ask around)

Thanks for the recommendation on the Boost pedal, I've been watching some more videos on the tubescreamer and they all sounded off, whereas the OCD definitely retained the tone, like you said. Any chance you've had the opportunity to try the BB preamp? Seems that's a popular choice as well. In regards to both the eq and the boost, have you had any experience with TC's G-major - i.e. using it for those purposes?


As far as EQ's go, I used a Boss GE7 and was happy with the results I got.

I would imagine the MXR would be fine, maybe even better.
The MXR 6 band has 18 db of boost and cut, whereas the MXR 10 band has only 12 db boost and cut. Either would b just great. I have the 10 band, but feel that I don't need all of those bands. I do recommend a graphic EQ in the F loop of all Mesa amps -- even those with built in EQs because I don't think they work as well. I use mine to rid myself of that "nasal sound" that seems to come from all Mesa's (My old Mark III had them, so does my nomad, and I don't like them.)
I know it's fun to buy all kinds of accessories when you get a new amp - we're like chicks and handbags when it comes to a new outfit. Thing is sounds like you got one with issues and I'd take it one step out at a time first before adding anything else. You could have bought someone's problem child.

The clean channel is fine as you say which leads me to believe your power section is OK. But not necessarily. Regardless if he says he replaced the tubes, you may want to begin trouble shooting them and swapping out preamp tubes. I usually do this anyway on a new used amp to eliminate that for future trouble shooting. What your describing sounds like a preamp issue to me without being there in person. I can think of nothing to tighten down that would eliminate the buzziness you are describing. If it were a loose speaker or a reverb tank it would happen on both channels.

If this continues after you have swapped out tubes, the amp probably needs a once over by a tech. I had a rectoverb of that vintage. With all tone controls at noon, gain about 1 o'clock modern, 2 0'clock vintage, master and volume equally @ 11 o'clock you should have a nice fat saturation. Yes it will be loose compared to other hi gain amps but that is the nature of a recto. BTW if you have to drive your gain higher than this, you may have a bad grid resistor.
I would look at the power tubes 1st thing. If he changed the tubes out and did not use power tubes that fit in the bias range, that would account for the heat issue. It is normal for tube amps to get warm, but hot is entirely different.
I'm guessing (could be wrong though) that he just grabbed whatever was cheapest for power tubes.

I've never owned a Series I, but I did have 2 Series II's. Great little amps!
There is a settings database here on the forum that might have some good suggestions for your tone.
They are fairly 'Loose' sounding for leads, so the EQ is a great way to go. A lot of guys use an OD pedal in front of the amp too, like an OD808 to tighten up for lead tones. I use a Bad Monkey with my Maverick's lead channel and it works reallly well.

If it were me, an EQ in the loop would be the choice. If you go with the G-Major, you will have much better reverb and a programmable EQ. The reverb on the Recto-Verb sucks ass in my opinion.

Keep trying to get in touch with the guy to figure out what he said needed to be tightened. Usually, it's a speaker, or transformer that starts rattling. If the nuts on the speaker are loose, read up about it before over-tightening them.
This is a great place to learn a little about speakers:

Check the transformers and speaker out. If it's something else, feel free to call (number's on my website in my sig.) or PM me. I can walk you through finding what's wrong. Usually it's something pretty easy to find.

There is also a bolt on the bottom of the chassis that will push on the insides of the cabinet to eliminate chassis rattle. Don't over-tighten this, but it should be snug if the chassis is vibrating. I don't have one in my Heartbreaker combo and the chassis does not rattle, but it was very handy in my DC-10 when it was a combo.

Hope this helps.
Hello guys!
I'm new to the forum and to the boogie family. I always dreamed of a mesa boogie mark iv and I just bought one! I really love it! It is a '96 model head and cab used but in perfect condition. It is the american model (120V) but I live in Greece and we use 240 Volts. I know I can make it work using a step up/step down voltage transformer, but I was consulted from a friends music store that in order to get the best sound in this power supply I should better buy a transformer from boogie designed for use in europe. Is there such a thing and if there is where I can find it? it is external or I need to make modifications? Any information anyone could give me will be very helpful
Thanks again guys, and take care!
Congrats on the new amp. May want to contact Mesa directly via e-mail...oh and this is an old thread unrelated to your question. May want to move it to the MarkIV section.

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