New Mesa Boogie Transatlantic small amp on their website!

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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Check it out! It seems Mesa has jumped aboard the small home amps ship. Knowing Mesa, this model will be very competitive to the Orange and Vox models.

It looks to be aimed at the Dual Terror market. 25/15/5 watts and two channels. I'd be surprised if Mesa could match Orange in the price department though, what with the Tiny and Dual Terror amps being made overseas. Any idea on what this is going to retail for?
I don't know what they are going for yet, but Mesa's should be a bit more expensive because of all of the added options you get with such a little amp. Mesa is notorious for having lots of tonal options on all (maybe not the Electra-Dyne) of their amps, and, upon first glance, this amp appears to be no different. I have been thinking about buying a smaller amp for recording, and hopefully this little amp will boogie like my Roadster.