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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2006
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I just recently found this board and think it is great that boogie owners have a place of our own.I find it amazing how so many people on other boards knock the Boogie.I guess they never gave one a real workout.
I have an original 11c+ from '83.Didnt know it was a c+ till I called Mesa with a question a bout doing some mods on it.I litterally "stole" this amp back in '88 when a studio I did work for was going out of business.The owner was selling off a lot of equipment and had this in a closet in an anvil case never used-let me have it for $300.He wasnt a Boogie fan.He also sold me one of his 15 PRS' for $500 also hardly used.That was the best job I ever had!
Welcome to the board. You have found a good source of good info...enjoy yourself!

I agree with you...lots of people knock the Boogies....I think that may be a symptom of our "instant gratification I want it now" society.

No one seems to want to put any time and/or effort into anything anymore. Boogies are complicated, precision instruments in their own right. You gotta tweak and experiment to get everything available out of them.

I've had my Road King for over 2 years now...and I'm still finding new stuff.

Anyway, welcome again.

Thanks for the welcome RB.Most of the anti Boogie sentiment I see come from amp builders-mostly amateur-who object to the fact that Mesa was able to get patents on a lot of things they view as public domain or things other people have experimented with before Randall perfected them.Hey he beat them to the punch.I have called the techs at Mesa many times for parts and advice and always found them very willing to help.Yeah,they wont give you a schem,but if I had a product like theirs,I wouldnt give it away either.I have seven different Fender clones that all have killer tone,but both my sons and I always grab the Boogie first.Gonna have to get a couple more to keep the peace around here!

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