New member, Triple Rectifier half stack, pic and clips

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Jun 17, 2006
Reaction score
Heya, guys. Just thought I'd post my current rig and a few simple clips to go with it. :)


Ch2, Raw
Ch2, Vintage
Ch2, Modern
Nice work, Six. The clips sound great.

How did you record the clips? Specifically, what mic and placement on the speaker?
nice licks! you got a great vintage blues style! i liked the raw sound a lot..what are those settings? i have a bit of hard time getting a blues sound like that.
^I really like the channel 2 tones also....that is the only channel I haven't been able to dial in properly yet....what are your settings?
Hey guys. Thanks for the comments. :) I used a Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster with two single coils and a humbucker. On all three modes, my settings were:

Presence - 2:00, Bass - 10:00, Mid - 11:00, Treble - 2:30, Gain - 2:00

My recording setup was Guitar > Head > LoadBox (dummy load, cab not used), Direct Out from LoadBox to Mackie Onyx FireWire DAW and I used the Mesa Cab in GuitarRig 2. The acoustics cause massive low-end feedback when I crank my head and cab, so I went the direct route. :)
Good stuff man, great sound out of it for being direct. Nice chops as well. I really digged that Bluesy RAW sound. I'm glad they added that to these amps, opens up a whole other side of the beast!

Sixto said:
My recording setup was Guitar > Head > LoadBox (dummy load, cab not used), Direct Out from LoadBox to Mackie Onyx FireWire DAW and I used the Mesa Cab in GuitarRig 2.
That's the Koch LoadBox? Nice!

Just a quick question > If the LoadBox provides a speaker simulated tone why did you need to run the signal into GuitarRig?
The Guitar Rig cabs and mics sound better than what's on the Koch, in my opinion. :wink:
Hey what is that finish on the SG? That thing looks nice....
looks like the natural burst that used to be available on the SG Standards. The lead singer/Guitarist from Thrice used to play one.
