New Mark V Video: In Depth Channel 2 - EDGE MODE!

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2009
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Our video detailing the EDGE preamp circuit in the Mark V is up and running on youtube. I think this mode is very misunderstood and disregarded because of the inherent brightness in the tone... but you can dial in some fantastic sounds! It's one of my favorite modes on the Mark V. Hopefully this video will help. As always, constructive criticism is welcome!
Don, great demo's.

I appreciate the time and effort you guys put into them, and it's really helped me make my decision that i'm going back to mesa for my amp needs by purchasing a mark v in the near future.
I like that you took the wang bar off. :D

I also like that you did a lot of lower gain stuff. I tried using it up higher (above 12:00) and it sounded great at home, but kind of fell apart when I tried using it at band practice. Which I suppose is another point; Edge mode may sound a tad bright on it's own, but that brightness is what makes it sit well in a band context. Had I not have tried to warm it up as much as I did my experiment probably would've worked out much better.
Don...your videos have been great, so far, and really show the versatility of this amp. Prior to watching, I hadn't considered myself naive to finding sounds in amps; however, right off the bat you showed me something I've never considered with the Edge mode - which is one of my fav's in the Mark V - and kept teaching from there. Very well done, indeed. Thanks for your work with these videos!
Channel 2 alone is worth the price of admission My favorite!!! Imagine some guy's saying they have a hard time getting a good sound out of the V???? This demo shows that you can't be afraid to tweak the knobs... :eek: :eek: :eek:
fantastic vids! I just saw this post and now just watching your vids...great stuff!

BTW, how did you record these, DI or did you mic it? If so, what mic are you using?

Sweet! Glad you guys are liking these videos! It's a lot of fun making them, and this latest series on the Mark V has only reinforced to me how great this amplifier is.

iFreedom said:
fantastic vids! I just saw this post and now just watching your vids...great stuff!

BTW, how did you record these, DI or did you mic it? If so, what mic are you using?


Everything is MIC'ed in our videos, we just generally keep them off screen. :D We use a Shure KSM27 and an Electrovoice Raven. Those run into a Presonus Firestudio Project and into Pro Tools. Great mic setup at a reasonable price.
+1 to all other posters comments....Great Job and Thanks!

I also liked how you displayed the amp knob settings in this demo after previously receiving this suggestion by a poster from your previous demos.

Very nicely done!! :mrgreen:
definitely keep up these videos. when i was looking into getting mine it pissed me off how few people actually took the time to make a video that would do the amp justice compared to the hundreds of kids in their room recording with their camcorders.
as dumb as this sounds...i REALLY meant what i said....this series of vids sold me. on the first 2 channels alone.

yeah, i watched the petrucci vid, and about a trillion other youtube vids. i played one in store a good bit.

and had been wishy washy about keeping my egnater tourmaster...

i've been going back and forth on getting an engl powerball, savage or the mark V.

i will own a mark v in the next two months.
Here's the sad thing: Mesa should be making this caliber of videos. Yes, they have a video that demonstrates some cool tones on the V, but nowhere near the depth of these videos. For alot of people, the Mark V is a pretty big investment, at least it was for me. I think these vids really show you what all you are getting for that investment, especially for those who don't have an opportunity to demo this amp before buying.

P.S. I would like to add that I do hope Haggerty's Music sees a nice return on their investment!