New Idea For Mesa Mark Amp

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Aug 22, 2009
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I have an idea for a new Mesa amp. I am calling it the MarkKing. It will be 4 channel like the RoadKing with progressive linkage.

Modes for each channel:
Channel 1 - Clean, Fat, Tweed
Channel 2 - Crunch, Mark I, Mark IIC+
Channel 3 - Mark IIC+, Mark III, Mark IV
Channel 4 - Mark III, Mark IV, Brutal (New Mark Sound)

The amp should have 4 6l6s, 2 EL34's, and 2 Rectifier Tubes just like the RoadKing, and tubes assignable per channel.

There should be a triode/pentode switch per channel and the choice of tube/diode rectifier.

The graphic EQ should be assignable per channel or the preset "classic v" curve preset.

There should also be A, B, or A+B cabinets assignable per channel.

If Mesa Wanted to go crazy, they could use a small cap for the channel 2 Mark IIC+ Mode, and a large cap for the channel 3 Mark IIC+ Mode. They could also do the same with the modes for the Channel 3 & 4 Mark IV Modes.

What do you guys think?

Decided to put the money down on the next Mark V head. Week and a half ago my dealer called Mesa and it had shipped. It has not come in and I am freakin' out. I should have bought the head when I first played it, but I was trying to resist. Of course I could not resist, I came back 2 weeks later and it was gone. Oh well, at least I will get one brand spankin' new still in the box. Whenever it comes.
I have a better idea. Why doesn't mesa, since they are all hand made anyway, have a custom build sheet that you could make your amp like that. Maybe a channel 1 LSC clean, channel 2 Recto modern rhythm, channel 3 Mark lead. Like building a custom shop guitar but with amps. :D
The Mark V plus the features of a THD, the EQ of an Orange, Dyna watt wiring option. Available in Short head, Medium head, and rackmount. Ta daaaaaaa.
i made the markKing idea back when they discontinued the mark IV.. personally i think a 4 channel would be great

but all those options you want to add on will make the thing cost 3000+ so where is the market for that? (its harder for a hobby / gigging not making much money guy like me to justify 3k+ on an amp, if i can get one for 2K that is very good.. or less)

also ryjan.. they could make a custom build spec sheet.. but each amp would cost 5k or more (my guestimate) since even though they are hand built it is still assembly line sorta stuff. to actually change options on an amp (which is much more complicated then a guitar) is very costly and time consuming (gotta trouble shoot too remember)

maybe next namm they'll have a revsed mark v?
sorry, not trying to be a "debbie downer" i think we'd all love a custom amp and guitar, just wanted to point out the face that somethings become soooo costly.

I spend most of my days dreaming about gear and what i want.
I think Randall has the right idea with their modular preamps. All the clips I've heard sound petty good and if you dont like your sound you can pick up a new module for around $250.
ryjan said:
I think Randall has the right idea with their modular preamps. All the clips I've heard sound petty good and if you dont like your sound you can pick up a new module for around $250.

I've owned the Randall and more importantly, the Egnater modular stuff. Egnater licenses the "technology" to Randall and really has the better sounding stuff of the two.

Regardless, the idea is great but it just doesn't sound very good when you get down to it. There are guys who live by this stuff and own every module ever made but I've yet to hear any really convincing clips of their playing. As for my own experience, the modules really never sounded different enough from each other for me to be satisfied.

I will say that the T/V module I owned was the best sounding chimey clean I've ever heard.

In the case of the Mark V, it's very similar to the modular stuff, though.