New guy, interested in the V:25, and a question

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New member
Jan 13, 2015
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Hello All -

I am very interested in the V:25 - I have long been a fan of Boogies and now I think this amp will be my first :) Lovely set of features, not the least of which is the built-in CabClone, and of course lovely tone.

A question: would it be feasible to replace the 3 pole mode switches with foot switches? I envision a pedal with 3 switches that would allow me to choose mode with my foot, and not have to toggle the switch on the amp. I would particularly like to switch between Fat and Crunch mode in channel 1 and IIC+ and IV mode in channel 2. I understand that I would need to find compromise settings that would work well with all modes on a channel. Nonetheless, this would be nifty.

Hello Mmarsh!

Good idea you have there, I myself has been also thinking about this.
The only thing is that the switches inside is on/off/on, then you need to install relays inside the amp.
I have looked inside mine, I had to take out the whole amp chassi to change the tubes.
It's not so much spare space left inside the amp.
You can send a mail to Mesa Boogie and ask them what they think and ask if they can build one custom for you.

Dr B.
It should be doable. The main problem I see from what you want to do, besides the little space that's left inside the amp, is that (from what I've seen) there's quite a drastic volume drop between Fat and Crunch modes of Channel 1.
Save yourself the headache and buy a Triaxis.
Also from my experience I'd say that there isn't any compromise in setting between clean/fat and crunch on channel one. Crunch is a very touchy voicing that responds to very slight eq adjustments and my settings are wayyyy different when I need a clean tone.
Undoubtedly you would be voiding the warranty.

My opinion is probably the same as ryjan.

Triaxis would do EXACTLY what you want and you would not have to compromise your settings.

Of course when you add the power amp you no longer have the nice 16lbs head that is a breeze to carry.
This is a regularly reoccurring question. It sounds like a good idea and wouldn't be to difficult to achieve, but the reality is it just doesn't work. If it really was a good idea Mesa would have been doing on other models for years.

From the original post, I'd have to say that if you are wanting to modify an amp even before you own it then it won't be a good choice. sorry :mrgreen: