New Equipment for Triple Rec / Need Advice

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Mar 14, 2008
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I play a Gibson Les Paul Classic through a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier. I recently purchased a Rocktron Expression rack unit and the Midi Mate foot controller.

What I am asking here is where I should set the settings on the back of the amp head in order to get the most out of the effect unit and retain the tone, power, and output of the amp? Also what should the input and output levels be set at on the Rocktron unit itself? We play mostly classic and modern rock.

In line from the guitar to the amp head I also use a Boss tuner foot pedal, a Rocktron Banshee talk box, and a cry baby whaa/volume control pedal. The pedal is in volume control mode until you press it all the way down then it switches to whaa wha pedal. In what order should these items be set from the guitar to the amp head input? Or does it not matter.

Will the cry baby pedal still work like it is supposed to if it is hooked up to the midi mate unit? I assume it won't as it is not compatible.

Any help and information will be appreciated, thanks.

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