New around here: Triple Rec

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Aug 17, 2010
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Hey guys! Proud new Mesa owner here. I just traded my Orange Rocker 30 Head for a 3 channel Triple Rectifier straight up. I'm in love with it so far and I haven't even had a chance to get it past 1 volume yet. It's just so versatile as opposed to the Rocker which, although it has some incredible tone, only does one or two things really well. I'm in a ska-punk band (think Less than Jake) and this does that tone perfectly. At home I play everything including a lot of Coheed and this amp nails Claudio's tone so well. I'll miss the Orange but this is a whole new beast.

Here's a pic:

I got the metal front too but I haven't decided whether or not to put it back on. I kind of like the plexiglass.

I do wish there was a way to drop it to 50 or 100 watts as I'm a bit afraid of blowing my speakers (2 60 watt V30s) at gig volumes but hopefully I'll be okay for a while until I can pick up a 4x12. Also, I've been told a Tube Screamer really tightens up the distortion on the recto's. I happen to have a TS7 lying around which I couldn't really make use of with my Rocker. But I'm going to try it out on this guy and see what happens.

One question: is there any way to make the noise go away when I switch channels using the footswitch?

Anyway, I'll be around here a lot. Nice to meetcha all :)
welcome new guy.
you will love the dr. remember these brutes love it loud. take time to tweak your tone.
what kind of noise are you talking about.
Why not get a second 2 x 12? If you REALLY want a 4 x 12, look into Mills Acoustics cabs.

I think the 2 x 12 you have should be OK if you don't turn the master volume up over about 10:30 - 11:00. (Obviously meaning with the channel volume set fairly high) Hmm, you could run on tube rectifier / spongy power band if you really want to drop the power a bit. I have other suggestions related to dropping output but if your only concern is your speakers, I wouldn't worry about that.
Hey guys! Thanks for the cab suggestions. In the short term, I've traded my Orange 2x12 for a 1960 4x12. It's not terrible but I'll definitely keep an eye out for a Mills like you suggest.

For some reason, you amp with the face removed reminds me of a Blackstar Series 100. Maybe it's cause you can see the tubes or something. Cool.
If that cab is running the t75's I highly suggest replacing two of them with v30s or g12k100s otherwise you may find yourself not cutting through a band mix enough.
Spewnz said:
If that cab is running the t75's I highly suggest replacing two of them with v30s or g12k100s otherwise you may find yourself not cutting through a band mix enough.

With a TRIPLE? =-o He'll basically be as loud as a Dual running through a Rectocab which is plenty loud, last I checked!
I'll be interested to see how well I cut. Coming from Orange and V30s, it might be a big change. With that amp, my guitar was out in front of everything and just didn't MIX that well with the band. I think this will fit in very well. We recorded our first CD with a Blue Voodoo head -- really wish I had the Triple when we did that. If you wanna check it out,
You should be fine with the new rig. I wasn't a fan of pairing my Triple with a 1960 cab. The stock speakers don't compliment the Recto voicing to its fullest, but that doesn't mean you'll have a problem sticking out in the mix. Just spend some extra time EQ'ing during rehearsals.
Thanks for the info guys and gals. I dusted off my TS7 today and it really sounds great with the amp. The more I dial this thing in the more I love it. The manual says Channel 2 sounds best on vintage but Channel 2 Modern gets me totally hot. I also used the Coil Split on my SGX and realized that single coils sound amazing through the clean channel of this amp especially when it's turned up.

I'm always paranoid about tubes and since this amp is used I want to get a backup set just in case. I would rather not pay somebody to pop tubes into an amp and want to do it myself, but is there some kind of tutorial about 1) which tubes I need to buy from Mesa (I know I need 6 6L6's, that's about it) and which specific slot they go in?

Download the owners manual PDF from the Mesa web site "Mesa Engineering". I downloaded the 2010 Recto owners manual yesterday and printed it out. It's a great help!