New 10" Speaker for my 5:25 Express

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
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After reading all the forum member reviews and opinions on a good 10" replacement speaker I shot the wad purchased a Celestion Gold G-10 AlNiCo speaker and installed it this weekend. :)
All I can say is Holy ****!!! What a difference. I'll use the old adage "Like taking a blanket off of your amp!" Clean and Blues modes jump out and hit you upside your head. Mucho sparkle and punch. I can't wait until it breaks in!
I showed up at band practice w/o telling anyone about the change.
After the first song w/my rhtyhm set in clean and my lead set on Blues, the bass player said "Okay what did you do to your gear?" So I played a few riffs and all found the new tones very pleasing! I didn't even use my pedal board this time, just straight into the amp. Three cheers to Celestion for this expensive, but killer speaker! A special thanks to Boogie Board members RWIL for install advise and to Soundchaser 59 for his in depth speaker reviews :D
Pappy, how would you describe the change? I love my recently acquired 10" combo, but wonder if the 12" wound be warmer, rounder, etc. Your description of punchier and sparklier has me curious. Any further thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks -- and congrats!
joesnewmatch said:
Pappy, how would you describe the change? I love my recently acquired 10" combo, but wonder if the 12" wound be warmer, rounder, etc. Your description of punchier and sparklier has me curious. Any further thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks -- and congrats!

For one thing I hear no more pharting out on the low bass notes/cords.
I haven't turned it way up on the 25 watt setting, yet, but in a band practice situation w/ vol set on 3, I kept up w/ the others guitarists Blues deluxe, no problem. His Fender sounds good, but the little Boogie w/ the G10 sounds better, IMHO. The stock Boogie speaker was fine and dandy, but this Celestion takes the amp's tone a BIG step further.
The notes are tighter, more pronounced and articulate. Chrisp, aggressive and snappy on the OD settings (Blues and Crunch. I rarely use the Burn setting) and very mellow and smokey on the clean rhythm cords and single notes.
I used my 76 LP Deluxe for this first post speaker replacement practice and that particular guitar never sounded better. At home I played my Baja Tele through it and it sounded wonderful! Also rocked out w/ my Firebird V w/ Duncan SM-1 minis and it sounded better then ever. If you can spare the dough, it's definately with it and as I said it pushes your over all tone to the next level and beyond.
If you're interested in actually HEARING a comparison between speakers, try this address:
tonejam said:
If you're interested in actually HEARING a comparison between speakers, try this address:

tonejam, I don't know where you found the link but it's awesome! Thank you for posting it. I'm in the market for some speakers and this is really, really helpful.
tonejam said:
If you're interested in actually HEARING a comparison between speakers, try this address:

Thats very cool. Thanks for posting.

One thing I noticed is that they were recording those speakers as a pair with the amp set to 5 watts. That means that each speaker will only see 2.5 watts or so. For playing at home, what you hear is what you get, but it leaves me wondering what happens to a given speaker as the volume is raised to say performance levels. Does a given speaker get better or worse ? What do these speakers sound like when pushed to breakup ?
Had my first gig w/ the new G-10 speaker in my 5:25 last Sunday.
At a medium venue size.
Used my Cray Strat. Pedals = Old Cry Baby, Jacques Overtube and a Carbon Copy. I played in the clean mod all night in the 25 watt position using the Overtube for leads. Set the volume @ 11 o'clock.
Man, what fine tone! Classic Fender chime and grit! Moving a lot of air for a 10" speaker. It sounds better the louder I play!
I'm lovin' it!!!
Better when louder = you must have it dialed in just right! :D CONGRATS!!

As far as I know there is only one way to improve on what you have....... EVM10L....... but they dont make those any more, so you are sittin good! :mrgreen: 8)

Do Enjoy!
soundchaser59 said:
As far as I know there is only one way to improve on what you have....... EVM10L....... but they dont make those any more, so you are sittin good! :mrgreen: 8)

Do Enjoy!

Yeah, Soundchaser I read your post about maybe having to do some cabinet mods to get the EV to fit and as appealing as you made the EV sound, I didn't want to open that can-o-worms, so I went the easy route and got the G-10! :lol:
Great to read that you strike gold with the G10 Gold!
Maybe someday..., but like you, I don't want to open that can-o-worms either, and so far I'm still very happy with the greenback over the stock.
I had a G10 Greenback in mine at one time, and I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it sounded. Another good choice, if I recall correctly I liked it better than the Eminence 10's I tried.

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