Hey guys!
In looking to get a EVH 5150 III 50 watt head. On the back off it, It's has 2 Parallel Speaker output jacks and a switch for 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Explain to me what is Parallel speaker output?!
Well actually, see if you can help me here first! I have a 2x12 cab with 2 WGS Veteran 30s speakers. 8. Ohms each, and wired in series for a total impendence of 16 ohms. Do all I have to do is plug 1 speaker cable into either left or right output jack on th EVH head into my 2x12 cab and flick the switc on the head to 16 ohm?
In looking to get a EVH 5150 III 50 watt head. On the back off it, It's has 2 Parallel Speaker output jacks and a switch for 4, 8, and 16 ohms. Explain to me what is Parallel speaker output?!
Well actually, see if you can help me here first! I have a 2x12 cab with 2 WGS Veteran 30s speakers. 8. Ohms each, and wired in series for a total impendence of 16 ohms. Do all I have to do is plug 1 speaker cable into either left or right output jack on th EVH head into my 2x12 cab and flick the switc on the head to 16 ohm?