Need cheap case for Mark V head

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2010
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I need a case that in which I can store my Mark V head when I'm not using it. We practice at this shared space. It's pretty secure and I don't really have fears that my amp would disappear when I'm not there, but I don't really like the idea of it just sitting there, inviting people to play it or take it. So, I figured, if I put it in some sort of a case, possibly with a lock, it would be enough to give me some peace of mind.

Now, I've seen some of those sturdy road cases out there, but they're $200+, and I simply can't justify spending that much right now. Plu, I don't really need a lot of padding and protection. It's more about just covering it up and closing a lid, of some sort.

Any ideas for something like this?
I was in the same boat, transporting the head myself looking for a cheap case. I did end up getting a live in ATA case from and it is awesome. I also considered:

* A used pelican case (~$150) check dimensions on their site I forget the model
* The gator amp case: ($170)
* The SKB amp case ($230)
* A used traditional non-live in ATA case ($50-$150)

Factoring in weight and storage for the empty case in an NYC apartment I decided to get the live in ATA case for $240 and I'm very happy with it. Free shipping at the time I ordered and was ready right on time.

Sure wish Mesa still made a 19in short head so we could just put it in a rack...
I bought one of these last year and have been really happy with it for travel to local gigs. Its not as sturdy as a true "Flight Case" but its 1000X better than any fabric gig bag or whatever. I did once drop it with my V inside off of a rolling 4x12 case onto the sidewalk after a gig. No problem though.... I also added a little more foam padding to the inside that I bought at a craft store. Not sure why its called a scratch and dent, mine had nothing wrong with it that I could see when I got it.
Thanks for chiming in, everyone! These are good options. The only thing is, I was hoping to not spend more than $100 on one of these. If could find one used, that would be great. I scoured CL and ebay a bit, but no luck yet.

If you think of anything else, please feel free to post here.
Anybody used one of these tuffbox cases? Just curious if they're any good.

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